Have you ever been in an accident? Did you analyze everything you could have done differently afterward? Did you think of all the ways you could have avoided the accident? Well, we understand what that feels like, particularly workplace accidents, and we would like to share tips on how to avoid such accidents with you.
Workplace Accidents
It is important to note here that workers can bring legal action against their employers in the case of a workplace accident. Some agencies specialize in representing such cases and a prime example can be found at StewartLawOffices.net where they are committed to helping injured people seek justice. Workplace accidents occur more often than you might know especially in industries where the workers come in contact with heavy machinery, work from heights or deal with hazardous materials.
According to the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health, there were 4,585 deaths from workplace accidents in 2013. Also, more than 95,000 U.S. workers are estimated to die every year as a result of cancers, respiratory and circulatory diseases, and other illnesses attributed to long-term exposure in the workplace.
Although accidents are unintentional by definition, they are however preventable by adhering to some safety guidelines in every workplace. This is not a foolproof plan but it will mitigate the growing number of preventable workplace accidents which seem to increase by the year.
Workplace Accidents Prevention Tips
Workplace accidents not only hurt the workers but also the employees who have to spend several amounts on treatment, lawsuits, and restoring productivity. This is why both the employer and the employees need to adopt some basic safety guidelines. Some of these include:
The workspace must be kept clean and orderly at all times. Oftentimes, people don’t perceive cleanliness as prevention of accidents but workplace cleanliness does curtail the odds of injury. Bad housekeeping can result in severe health and safety risks. The setup of the office should have sufficient outlets and be devoid of junk. A packed, dirty workspace is harder to efficiently move around in and employees are liable to accidents. Irrespective of your industry, maintaining a clean and organized workspace reduces the likelihood of accidents.
Workers should always be alert on the job. They must not sleep off or slack off while conducting their responsibilities to improve operations and prevent being injured or causing injury to others.
Safe Lifting Techniques
Lifting is one of the major causes of workplace accidents and as such, it is important the workers learn to lift safely. A safe lifting practice would be for the worker to lift from a stance of strength while keeping the load near. The worker should also keep a staggered posture and not twist while lifting. Workers can also be educated in body mechanics and it would lessen strain injuries and keep workers protected during the lifting process.
Prohibiting Risky Actions
At times, workplace mishaps arise from workers hauling themselves too hard. Perhaps they wish to impress their colleagues with their power or boost their production in desire of a promotion. Sometimes, workers return to work before they are fully healed from an injury. Although the employer should motivate his workers to be their most efficient and creative selves, the employees should also emphasize the fact that workers’ protection is more important than an increase in results.
Regular Inspections
In fields like manufacture and construction, the use of heavy machinery cannot be averted. Despite this, workplace mishaps can be avoided to a large extent. The management of such companies should conduct routine assessments of devices, machinery, and gadgets. Each employee’s personal tools to big, jointly used equipment should be examined. This ensures that the appliances workers utilize for their jobs are stable and work appropriately. If any tool develops faults or breaks, that tool should be replaced immediately. Attempting to be frugal with the capital that goes into machinery could deprive a worker of their health or the corporation, millions of dollars in legal fees.
Proper Protective Gear
Workers should always carry out their tasks in the ethical uniform that is essential for mishap prevention. Workers need to wear suitable protective gear and any additional gear when they’re working, they’re meant to keep you safe. Gear may differ from safety harnesses to slip-resistant shoes, proper gloves, hard hats, and goggles. All personnel must be furnished for their particular role. Employees should not be caught at any point for any reason, performing their duties without protective gear.
Generally, there are rules set up by various bodies like the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health where workplace safety guidelines are concerned. There are also training like the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) training that companies in sectors with high accident rates are expected to complete. All of these is to ensure that everyone is pulling their weight where workplace accident prevention is concerned. As stated earlier, it is the joint work of the employee and employer.