Categories: Funny

9 PMSing Situations Every Girl Will Totally Feel Familiarized With

This Is Serious

Oh, that time of the month, when PMS monster arrives, and we feel like some unnatural super force has possessed us, cause, to be honest, we don’t even know how to feel, you can have a range of 10 different emotions in less than 10 minutes. It’s not enough that we have to endure cramps, and literally blood coming out of us for sometimes even a whole week, throw there some mood swings and headaches to make the whole package.

And even though there’s nothing funny about being in pain and feeling crappy we have to admit sometimes PMS makes us do questionable things, we’ve brought you the funniest.Through the whisper app, people can tell their stories anonymous, we’ve brought you some of them.

1.”I was PMSing so bad once that my microwave told me to enjoy my meal, and I burst into tears cuz I thought it was the only one who cared about me.”

Image Credit; knowyourmeme.com

2. “I called in sick for work this morning because I was PMSing and pissed off cause my outfits didn’t look cute enough. I calmed down and now I’m like WTF.”

Image Credit; knowyourmeme.com

3. “ I remember I was PMSing hardcore. The man I was dating took me to a pancake restaurant for a late night snack after our movie. I ordered my favorite, chocolate chip pancakes. When my order arrived the kitchen had forgotten the chocolate chips and the waiter just served me a stack of plain pancakes. That’s all it took to start me bawling like a baby. I couldn’t stop my sobbing no matter how hard I tried. When the poor guy asked me what was wrong, I got it out that he had forgotten my chocolate chips. I have never seen a waiter move so fast! And I have never seen a MOUNTAIN of chocolate chips like that before or since.”

Image Credit: Memegenerator.com

4. “Whenever a guy asks me what PMS stands for I always answer… PMS stands for PREPARE TO MEET SATAN.”


5. “I literally cried because of how hot my science teacher is. Fuck PMS”

Image Credit: aplus.com

6. “One time.. when I was really moody due to PMS… I almost emailed Tyra Banks a tear-filled letter about how much I love her!”

Image Credit: giphy.com

7. “My PMS emotions are so out of control that I cried when my mom put ranch on her pizza.”


8. “I was PMSing and yelled at my cat for being annoying and then I started crying because I thought I hurt her feelings.”

Image Credit: imgflip.com

9. “PMSing so bad I cried because I bought the wrong milk.”

Image Credit: gurl.tumblr.com
Maria Laura Garcia: