Ryan Gosling Reacts Awkawrdly To His Dancing Old Footage [VIDEO]

Could He Be More Perfect Tho?

Many women dream of Ryan Gosling. There’s something about this Canadian actor that simply takes our breath away.  But most of it, has to do with his perfect representation of love in “The Notebook,” and well he has a lot of confidence.

Turns out that that attractive confidence was built up since he was a little boy. After all, not every kid does these dance moves in such a confident way, but Ryan did. Yes, Ryan’s a triple threat he can clearly act, sing, and dance.


Oh, the memories and the embarrassment

Graham Norton made his guests have a quick moment down memory lane to remind them some embarrassing moments from the beginning of their careers. But Ryan Gosling was the one who suffered the most with this quick trip down memory lane.

The Graham Norton Show

Graham Norton clearly knows how to treat his guests, and also knows how to make them feel embarrassed. In a recent appearance on the British show Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, Sienna Miller, and Ben Affleck suffered Graham’s mean intention by remembering embarrassing memories.

Image Credit: Youtube

Ryan’s turn

After showing a picture of Ben Affleck with the most interesting “listening” face, and a weirdly adorable picture of Emma in a school play, it was Ryan’s turn, and he definitely knew what was coming to him.

Image Credit: Youtube


Crazy dance troop.

Following La La Land’s musical theme Graham showed footage of Ryan performing as part of a dance troop. Ryan began his career when he was a little kid, so he attended many of these shows. But this particular footage was simply hilarious.

Image Credit: Youtube

Showing off moves in the front road

Ryan was dancing at the beat of Cathy Dennis’ “Touch Me,” he was the only boy in the seven girls group and of course he was placed front and center. Wearing silver hammer pants and a purple shirt Ryan owns the show with some pretty intense hip moves, and a funny spin.

Image Credit: Youtube

Cutthroat business.

After watching the video, Ryan discussed it with Graham. He talked about the child stars show and joked about it as a cutthroat business, and it seems like it. Also, he admitted that the idea for the costumes was his, he also admitted that he was old enough to know better.

Image Credit: Youtube

There’s no shame on it Ryan! We’re simply happy to see that his vision was carried out and that he improved his dance moves.


Anais Gutierrez: