Categories: WTF

Twitter Lost It When Someone Posted A Pizza With Peas And Mayo

I Guess Pineapple On Pizza Doesn’t Sound As Bad Now Huh?

Pizza is without a doubt a plate made in heaven. Since there is no one who dislikes it. Not only for its versatility towards ingredients but also due to its delicious and perfect flavor. To the point that when you eat pizza, for some reason, you do it in an anxious way like if you’re not gonna ever have it again.

Recently pizza has taken social media by storm. Due to the recent declarations of Iceland’s president ban on pineapple pizza. Flourishing disputes and arguments between pizza lovers all around the world. But a few days ago an evil that threats the pizza we love and know has emerged.

Peas and mayo pizza.

Yes, what you read actually exists, and it’s an obvious sacrilege against everything that’s pure and good, and towards pizza. This horrible creation has made the whole internet rage about it and nearly vomit. Because let’s be honest we all know that the blend of all of this ingredients sounds really awful.

The monstrous creation was ordered and posted by Twitter user FOX152. Who tweeted a photo of the pea and mayo-topped pizza. The pizza not only looks like something your dog would barf on the rug. He even asked himself about the pizza “Peas and mayonnaise pizza?!” so even he knew this was messed up. To the point that the only soulless person who answered was himself with a really incomprehensible “Yes please.”

The internet and the world ask why.

Obviously, when people start seeing this atrocity they started asking questions of why this exist. All of this by asking directly to FOX152, commenting on the horror of this pizza or making the classical clever jokes about it.
This really proves that people with too much imagination and spare time can do some horrible things from time to time. Especially when it concerns food. We all have that weird dish that seems awful but tastes good but this is out of the limit. There are some things that are sacred.

Source: Mashable.com

Luis Farage: