Categories: Animals

An Apparent Poacher Dies Curiously Devoured By Lions In Africa

Is Karma Showing Itself Somehow?

An alleged poacher died after lions decided to take him as prey and devour him. The only traces that remained of his body were his head and a few traces.

The remains of this person were found next to a loaded rifle in the vicinity of the Kruger National Park in South Africa this Saturday.

An unexpected dinner for the lions

A Limpopo police, Moatshe Ngoepe, said they were doing everything possible to identify the remains of the victim.

This spokesman said that: “It seems the victim was poaching in the game park. He was attacked and eaten by lions. They ate his body. Nearly all of it, and just left his head and some remains. “

by NatGeo

The hunter became the prey

He added that: “The process of identifying the deceased has already commenced. It could have been possible by the fact that his head is among the remains that were found at the scene.”

Experts from National Geographic reported that the body of this person was found inside the private nature reserve of Ingwelala. It is rumored that the hunter did not have permission to be in that area.

According to WWF statistics, the number of African lions has decreased by more than 40% in the last three generations. Due to the loss of their natural space and the conflict they have with humans. More than three-quarters of the populations of these animals have been in decline. With only 20,000 released. They are now officially classified as “vulnerable.”

According to a BBC study, the body parts of a lion are in a giant demand in Africa and Southeast of Asia for use in traditional medicine.

There are 5 years to decide the future of this “vulnerable” species

In an article published by National Geographic, you can see in detail how the lack of habitat and deforestation has killed these animals. Although parks have been implemented to care for these species, they have poachers or people who hunt them because of the economic depression. The fall of the number of fish has affected it too. The population is increasingly dedicated to hunting wild animals for eating.

According to a researcher, Philipp Henschel the fate of the lion of Africa will be decided in about five years or less. “If we have fund, cooperation from the authorities and the international community, I believe there is hope. There are many committed people but they do not have the necessary means.”

by Nat Geo
Nicole Zabaleta: