People Are Boycotting Peter Rabbit Over An Allergy Scene

Yes, This Is Actually Happening

Peter Rabbit’s new film is facing a boycott on a particular scene. A bunch of bunnies attacks a man with blackberries, knowing that this man is allergic to this fruit.

Several groups that represent people who are allergic have criticized this scene, which caused the hashtag #boycottpeterrbbitt on all social networks.

by themovie

Sony’s facing a boycott for Peter Rabbit

An Australian group called Global Anaphylaxis Awareness and Inclusivity (Globalaai) created a petition asking Sony Pictures for an apology. According to them, the film “mocks the seriousness of allergic diseases. It’s heartbreakingly disrespectful to the families of those who have lost their lives. Loved ones for anaphylaxis. “

The group created in the USA called Kids with Food Allergies Foundation said in a post on Facebook that it warned parents about the film. “Jokes about food allergies are harmful to our community.”

“Making light of this condition hurts our members because it encourages the public not to take the risk of allergic reactions seriously. This cavalier attitude may make them act in ways that could put an allergic person in danger,” it said.

by eater

Different groups giving their opinion about it

Another group was pronounced before this event, Food Allergy Research & Education also published a warning to those members about the content of the film. Parents of children with allergies expressed their dismay at the much-criticized scene on social media.

In the controversial scene, the highly acclaimed character Beatrix Potter and her companions allegedly attack the nephew of Peter’s nemesis, Mr. McGregor, with a few blackberries. The squad knows that Tom McGregor is allergic to berries. At one specific scene, they even shoot one in his mouth.

Very quickly it takes effect and becomes seriously ill and has to be stabbed in the leg with an EpiPen.

At the beginning of the film, according to a review by Twin Cities Geek, the character of Peter Rabbitt mocks the allergy of Tom McGregor.

This new character Petter Rabbitt has released to the US market a week ago and has had many mixed reviews.

Sony Pictures claimed on Sunday in a statement that the movie “should not have enlightened” a character who is allergic to blackberries. “Even in a caricatured way,” they added.

It is an interesting point of view that this scene caused so much commotion among people. Making us think that nothing is overlooked.

by sky news
Nicole Zabaleta: