Categories: Celebrity

Jason Momoa Claims He’s No Role Model, Find Out Why

He Opened Up About Being A Father In His Latest Men’s Health Interview

Jason Momoa said he’s no role model in an interview with Men’s Health. The actor opened up to the magazine about being a father and said he’s only human and makes mistakes too.

Momoa is currently featuring on ‘Justice League’ and will hit theaters next year with his solo ‘Aquaman’ movie.

Parenting according to Momoa

Jason Momoa opened up about being a dad to Men’s Health magazine and delivered quite some gold information. He kicks off explaining how parenting has changedMom his life, and how important his kids are to him.

“I really can’t tell you what the hell I was doing before I had kids,” he said.

“Just fucking off. Wasting time. I think I was pretty reckless and definitely a bit out of control. Now I’m more focused. I probably love myself more and take care of myself more because I want to stick around.”

He then gets really reflective of parenting and its stigmas.

“Sometimes you don’t learn it from your parents. You learn it from your best friends,” he continued.

“Instead of just, ‘This is what a man’s supposed to be’ and all the bullshit stuff out there, you can make something really positive.”

“The truth is we’re all searching. We’re all looking for guidance, for mentors, and I’m by no means someone to follow. I’m a degenerate too, you know? I have my ups and my downs like anyone. All I can do is be me.”

Via Men’s Health

Wrapped up for good

This is a big month for Momoa, ‘Justice League’ finally hit theaters, and even if the movie might end up being not as cool as we expected it to be, there’s nothing to worry because we’ll get to see ‘Aquaman’ on its own standalone movie next year.

But that’s not it for Momoa, he’s actually pretty wrapped with work.

In addition to starring in a major movie tentpole, Momoa will also headline the second season of Netflix’ show ‘Frontier’ a 1700s drama,  where he plays a grisly fur trader.

And looking into the future, Momoa has also been tapped to play the lead in a reboot of ‘The Crow’ series, which news came via a cryptic message Momoa posted on his Instagram…Which was later confirmed by the director, with a similar post.

Meanwhile, Momoa explained his powers on ‘Justice League’ by saying.

“I think he can hear them and they can hear him,” the actor explained.

“On a larger level, when he was a kid, he knew he had something special because he could hear them, and they could hear him.”

Source: Gamespot

Anais Gutierrez: