House of Cards Season Five Is All About The Underwoods And Their Vendetta

‘The American People Don’t Know What’s Best For Them…I Do’

Power is a business without a doubt. One that Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey) knows to play perfectly well. As he has shown us over and over in the Netflix’s original series “House of Cards”. Who’s upcoming new 5th season is coming.

As the trailer shows what for many was a nightmare, as Frank Underwood is now President of the United States. But it seems that fiction turns to reality in many cases. However Frank has made an 180-degree turn. Surprising many as it seems that he was out of the game. Now he is back and ready for business.

Image Credit: incacable.co.kr

The big father

The trailer opens with Frank’s usual creepy and powerful way of being. “The American people don’t know what’s best for them…I do”. As he is backed up by scenes showing him going deeper into his intentions of perpetuating himself on power. Frank continues to describe the people as little children he has to educate, clean, lead the right way and even tell them what they desire. Frank Underwood is hungrier for power than we’ve ever seen him in previous seasons.

By the closing moments of the video, he also admits, to Claire, how the White House will be “under-wood” influences until 2036, that means he’s planning to lead the country for at least six terms. Indeed, turning Frank’s coined catchphrase, as he says while the clip ends, “One nation, Underwood” has become very literal. As he gives us a bit of a Big Brother vibes, not creepy at all.

Old habits die hard

The show will have a brief return of several major characters, as the trailer shows us. Like Doug Stamper, Will Conway, Tom Yates, Catherine Durant. While as well new members will be added. Since Patricia Clarkson and Campbell Scott have been cast in the show.

Also, we see Frank returning a bit of his “most violent” old ways. But it also presents us that he has unleashed his political and manipulative skills, as he reaches the Presidency.  The show has been walking us through the deadly climb of Frank Underwood from a lowly South Carolinian House Majority Whip to Vice-President to inheritor President.

Image Credit: denofgeek.com

Change on the script

One of the biggest news and probably shake-ups the new season of “House of Cards” will have is that it will change its showrunner. Since Beau Willimon, who created and ran the first four seasons, stepped down from the series last January, a month before season 4 was released. Explaining probably the plot twist that seemed to be directed to Frank and Claire’s downfall and now instead appears to be about their achieving and survival.

The ones in charge of pull the strings now will be senior writers Melissa James Gibson and Frank Pugliese, who joined as writers on season 3. So they will keep the consistency in the transition. The 5th season of “House Of Cards”  will return on 30th May of 2017.

Image Credit: theindependent.co.uk

Source: empireonline.com

Luis Farage: