Categories: Animals

Badass Dog Hanging Out In A Van Sparks A Hilarious Photoshop Battle

The Coolest Dog In Town

A dog’s a mans best friend. If you don’t think so let me tell you the story about Roxy, a two-year-old French Mastiff that follows her owner everywhere he goes.

Nick Morris is Roxy’s dad. They’ve been together since she was a little puppy. She loves being with the 46-year-old Nick so she follows him even to work. Morris has a courier service in London and while he’s driving around town with Roxy, she sits on the left seat of the van. Roxy captures everyone’s attention so Nick is used to people taking pictures of her while they are on traffic, he claimed to have counted more than 40 people doing this.

But someone took a picture of her where she looks bored, maybe it wasn’t her day or she had an argument with Nick, but the photo went viral and of course, as anything gone viral people started to make memes about it.

This is the original picture.

Via: boredpanda.com

Now look what they did with it:

10. Getting pulled over by a police officer.

Can I see your license sir?

Via: boredpanda.com

9. Having a bad hair day.

Now I get her face, we’ve all been there girl.

Via: boredpanda.com

8. In a parallel world this would be normal.

I’m thinking Zootopia.

Via: boredpanda.com

7. Drinking alone at a bar.

Definitely she had a bad day.

Via: boredpanda.com

6. Mafia Roxy.

My favorite part is the partner they chose for this situation.

Via: boredpanda.com

5. Roxy The Penseur.

She’s rocking the pose, you can tell she has a lot of issues to think about, bones for example.

Via: boredpanda.com

4. Drinking again.

I’m starting to think she has a problem.

Via: boredpanda.com

3. Having some intimacy issues.

“She doesn’t like to rub my belly”.

Via: boredpanda.com

2. Just like every KFC employee.

I can’t think of a more accurate edition to this picture.

Via: boredpanda.com

1. Going out with the girls.

You can absolutely tell she’s the Regina George of this group.

Via: boredpanda.com
Maria Gabriela Mendez: