Categories: Living

5 Reasons Why Watching A Broadway Musical Might Change Your Life

They Are Magical For Sure

Most of the days we find ourselves trapped in our daily routines, to the point where it actually consumes us. Doing the exact same thing day after day might seem okay at first. But then, we get to the point where we don’t even think about the possibility of doing something different. And that is not cool, really.

Image Credit: nyctourist.com

So, we should always seek for new activities that distract us from our dull days. And what better way to do so than going to the theater? In fact, here are five reasons why watching a play every now and then might even change your life around.

1. Discount Tickets.

Image Credit: newyorktotal.com

Yes, you read that right! Going to the theater doesn’t necessarily means going broke.

2. Connecting.

Image Credit: traveldigg.com

No, I am not talking about connecting to the WIFI network. It’s about connecting with what’s going on in the play. At some point in your life, you might question everything about you, and who you actually are. And sometimes, watching other people going through our same struggles relieves us in a way we would’ve ever imagined.

3. Giving the movies a break.

Image Credit: telecharge.com

I mean because doing the exact date-routine is getting kind of lame. So why not spice things over? Plus, Hollywood has repeatedly been making us watch a 2-hour sitcom that we all know how it will end, or even worse the “super-hero” kind of film. However, theaters provide a wide variety of subjects that are nothing but refreshing and satisfying.

4. Get to know your surroundings.

Image Credit: i.ytimg.com

What better way to actually get to know your city than through culture? Usually the plays, whether it is a musical, drama, or comedy, are directed to the people that live there, what they are thinking, their concerns, and so on.

5. You’ll feel cultured AF.

Image Credit: pmcvariety.files.wordpress.com

Because everything related to the theater makes us feel in touch with subjects that you can see over your snapchat storyline, that’s for sure. You’ve been part of your city’s art scene; you are more intelligent now! Even if that’s not actually true, you get the feeling.

Aylyn Albornoz: