Categories: Living

21 Shocking Weed Statistics You Didn’t Imagine Were True

If You Are Going To Choose The High Path, Better Know What You’re Getting Into

According to the UN, 158.8 million people around the world use marijuana; that’s more than 3.8% of the planet’s population. Even though some countries like the US have jumped on board with the use of medicinal marijuana, there are A LOT of countries who still satanize it.

Each day there’s new data that indicates the positive uses of weed and supports the recreational use of marihuana. We’ve brought you 21 facts about it so you can make up your own judgment.

1. Even though weed consumers eat about 600 more calories per day, they also have lower BMIs. Why? Because weed makes your metabolism faster.

Image Credit: chowhound.com

2. Weed consumers rate 1/3 lower in obesity because it helps regulate blood sugar.

Image Credit: slate.com

3. And busting a myth, did you know it takes 800 joints to kill you? You’d die of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Image Credit: patheos.com

4. According to a report by ACLU, black people are 3.3 times more likely to get arrested for weed, even though whites and blacks consume marijuana at about the same rates.

Image Credit: nairaland.com

5. The cannabis plant is believed to be one of the oldest crops cultivated by humans. Records of its use date back over 6000 years.

Image Credit: forbes.com

6. About seven-in-ten (69%) Americans believe alcohol is more harmful to a person’s health than marijuana.

Image Credit: Huffington Post

7.  Medical marijuana can be smoked, vaporized, eaten or taken as a liquid. It’s commonly prescribed for pain.

Image Credit: shermanoaksmarijuanaclinic.com

8. Hydroponics have change the Cannabis industry forever; weed is 57-67% more potent than the one found

is 57-67% more potent than the one found in the ’70s.

Image Credit: growingmarijuanatips.com

9. Only 9% of marijuana users become addicted, 15% of alcohol users fall into addiction, and 32% of tobacco smokers become addicted.

Image Credit: tumblr.com

10. Pet owners are already using marijuana medicinally to help their suffering cats and dogs, according to the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. But it can be deadly when used in large amounts.

Image Credit: thebark.com

11. A study completed at Carleton University found that moderate marijuana consumers had higher IQs than non-smokers.

Image Credit: weedweekly.com

12. The amount of time weed stays in your system mostly depends on your metabolism, if you are a regular user, it can be up to 27 days, if you an occasional smoker it can be only ten days.

Image Credit: mic.com

13.  Smoking up could be a very different experience for men and women, according to a 2014 study in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence. In the experiment, female rats were more sensitive to the effects of cannabis, and they were also more likely to develop a tolerance for the drug.

Image Credit: vancouver.24hrs.ca

14. The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) seized over 163,638 lbs (74,225 kgs) of domestic marijuana in 2014.

Image Credit: huffingtonpost.com

15. Arcview Market Research found that the recreational cannabis market grew 74% in 2014. That’s the fastest growing US industry.

Image Credit: Forbes.com

16.  THC and CBD may be most popular cannabinoids, but they’re not the only beneficial compounds found in the plant. Other cannabinoids like CBN and CBG are known to have medicinal effects. And those are only four of the 111 that exists.

Image Credit: fortune.com

17. The majority of cannabis users are between 18 and 35, but people over 50 are gaining momentum, there’s a total of 9.6% who smoke pot.

Image Credit: hipsterjew.com

18. Cannabis slows you down, so when you smoke, you’re less likely to become aggressive when met with threatening stimuli. Couples that smoke together are less likely to become involved in domestic violence.

Image Credit: rollingstone.com

19. Also, According to research from the University of Buffalo, couples that smoke together is happier and fight less.

Image Credit: quotesgram.com

20. The rate of pot use is higher among offenders than nonoffenders, but that definitely does not mean that pot causes criminal behavior. Pot, unlike alcohol, doesn’t generally unleash aggression, so it’s much harder to link it to violent crime.

Image Credit: news.vice.com

21. A 2006 UCLA study concluded that even heavy marijuana use does not lead to lung cancer. Other studies suggest that pot can actually inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors.

Image Credit: wowsohigh.tumblr.com
Maria Laura Garcia: