Categories: Living

Wine Condoms Are Real And Are Actually Amazing

Yes, They’re A Thing

Hold on for a second, this isn’t what you are thinking, but is still awesome. These are condoms for wine, that’s why they are called The Wine Condom, duh! These uhm… devices are used to avoid spilling wine and preserving it in a way they can fit into your refrigerator.

They come in packages that’ll make you confuse them with regular condoms, and are used the same way.


The wine condom might be the best invention ever.

The genius man who created this is Mitchell Strahan. He came up with the idea after seeing his mom using aluminum foil wrapped around the stem of her bottle to preserve what was left.

They are ideal for unfinished bottles.

The condoms sit flush with the rim of the bottle. You can be sure that any drop will spill.

Via: YouTube.com


If you’ve used condoms before, you know how it works.

You just need to roll the up as a “regular” condom and that’s it. Plus, they are the same length as most wine bottles necks.

Via: YouTube.com

They are made out of rubber.

And the gold packaging will make you think you are carrying an actual condom.

Via: YouTube.com

They are re-usable.

The Wine Condom is easy to carry, but unlike normal condoms, you can use them 1-2 times before throwing them away.

Via: YouTube.com


The product comes in a six pack.

It costs $14 and you can only find them in Amazon Canada and in the  U.S.

The perfect gift for wine lovers.

They are convenient, disposable, and HILARIOUS!.

They are perfect because you always need protection.

You can’t do it other ways.


Maria Gabriela Mendez: