Categories: WOW

LEGO Is Launching A Set With All The Women Stars From NASA

Parents Everywhere Rejoice!

Legos are a legendary toy as they allow us to build anything that comes out of our imagination. We all have played with them as we grow up. Besides they could be turned into the world’s deadliest weapon if you ever stepped on one of them with your bare foot.

This danish toy company has really given us endless hours of joy. Not only by giving us the freedom to build the world we want. But also by creating series of some of our most beloved characters and scenarios. As they’re LEGO cowboys, Star Wars, knights, Harry Potter and so on.

Image Credit: Maia Weinstock

Science breaking through.

Even though we have all these collections of legos the new series that will be released is pretty awesome and something we haven’t seen before. Since a new set of five figures, based on real female scientists, engineers, and astronauts, will be available (set to be determined in late 2017 or in early 2018).

This thanks to a contest, “The Lego Ideas” competition, that takes place twice a year. To what a lucky winner or two are selected for production. This time the winner design was created by US science writer Maia Weinstock. After her design received 10.000 public votes, which allow it to be eligible and then picked by the Danish company.

Image Credit: Maia Weinstock

The five girls.

The five women figures will portrait: scientist Katherine Johnson, who’s story is shown in the Oscar-nominated movie “Hidden Figures,” computer scientist Margaret Hamilton, astronaut, physicist, and educator Sally Ride, astronomer Nancy Grace Roman and astronaut and physician Mae Jemison

This also has got NASA and LEGO itself very excited. Since LEGO Ideas’ spokeswoman Lise Dydensborg announced, along with the winning result, an important message telling why they’re so excited. “As a science editor and writer, with a strong personal interest for space exploration as well as the history of women in science and engineering, Maia Weinstock’s Women of Nasa project was a way for her to celebrate accomplished women in the Stem professions.”

Image Credit: @NASA_Hubble

Over the moon.

Ms. Weinstock is obviously over the moon after her design was announced the winner. The reaction has been overwhelming. “Messages of congratulations and excitement at the prospect of this set actually being on store shelves have been pouring in.”

Also, she said that the fact that these figures set to be released is very important. Not only for her but for younger generations: “I hope it sets a new example for both girls and boys. Girls, in that they can and should be engineers, scientists, and mathematicians, and boys, in that they internalize at an early age that these careers are for everyone, not only men.”

Image Credit: Maia Weinstock

Source: BBC.com

Luis Farage: