Categories: Funny

These Are The Top 10 Memes Of 2016

The Only Good Thing That Happened This Sh***y Year

Humor is one of the best things about life. Mainly because it gives us some awesome good times and eases us living. The humor is something that goes way beyond just a relaxing escape from the seriousness that we face every day. It’s also a way to show intelligence. There is always that guy with the last snappy comment that makes everyone cracks.

Besides with our current exposure to social media humor has made its way through even more things in our lives. Everything online has a joke, a funny twist or comment. And above all it has, one of the best creations of the 21st century, the memes. The memes portrait our daily situations, they express our inner self and simply express in a comical way how we feel.

Here we leave you with 10 of the best memes that were born this year.

10.Crying LeBron.

When LeBron James won the NBA championship in 2016 with the Cleveland Cavaliers he broke down crying due to the emotion. Luckily a photographer with perfect timing captured the moment. That worked for everyone for the rest of 2016 to expressed overwhelming emotions.

9.Angry Micheal Phelps.

The Olympic always reveals things we found mesmerizing, especially the names of athletes that in their country don’t mean anything but for us are pure gold. But there is one highlight that became internet material real quick. Michael Phelps’ dramatic way of focusing and warming up was revealed during Rio Olympics this year. And we all felt in love with Phelps’ angry face. That is that NBC even used it as a logo for the rest of the Olympics.

8.Views Album’s parodies.

Drake got a lot of memes along this year. His album cover for Views was no exception. As it features him sitting on top of the CN Tower in Toronto-Canada and enjoying the view. The internet didn’t let the opportunity pass and photoshopped the tiny Drake everywhere. Along with a Parental Advisory label to give it a more record-look. Even a Drake view generator was released.

Image Credit: Pidgeons&Planes.com
Image Credit: Pidgeons&Planes.com
Image Credit: theAVclub.com

7.Hold the door.

Game of Thrones has taken the world by storm. And after the dramatic finally revealing the meaning behind the character Hodor to be “hold the door,” the internet exploited. The meme trespassed the web and pictures of Hodor on “hold door” elevator buttons, emergency exits, and so own were to bee seen everywhere.

6.Prankster Joe Bidden.

The campaign of Donald Trump first made us all laugh and then cry. But after Trump’s victory, Prankster Joe Biden was there for you. Photos of Bidden and Obama captioned with imagined lines of dialogue between them of what their plans were going to be, were epic.

5.Arthur’s fist.

We all have faced situations that the out-turn pisses the hell out of us. Arthur memes were there for us, as his balled-up fist just express how we are crumbling inside yet furious

4.Damn Daniel.

A Florida teen uploaded a montage of tons of Snapchat videos to Twitter, in which he was praising his friend Daniel’s white Vans. This escalated so quickly that is not only something people now say. It created tons of memes and the shoes went to become so famous someone even stole them from Daniel and tried to sell them on Ebay.


In May a gorilla named Harambe was fatally shot by an employee at the Cincinnati Zoo to protect a child that had fallen into the gorilla’s habitat. The internet first responded seriously to the tragedy, With things like #JusticeForHarambe and #RIPHarambe. Then the internet was full of memes honoring the late gorilla with tons of sexual and dark humor. Very 2016.

2.Confused Mr. Krabs.

Confusion is something pretty normal. But if you were confused in 2016, you used Mr. Krabs as he was there for you. A teen originally tweeted the scene from Spongebob’s boss with the caption, “When you just wake up from a nap and your parents already yelling at you.”

1.Evil Kermit.

We all have our inner demons, and sometimes they win. As well this happened to Kermit when he confronted copy cat enemy Constantine in Muppets Most Wanted. But Twitter transformed the encounter into the philosophical situation between right and wrong. And it has been through the whole world. Constantly used for well… everything.

Luis Farage: