Categories: WOW

This Signed By Trump Campaign Will Leave You Speechless (NSFW)

Images Speak More Than A Thousand Words

A teenager from Oregon created a series called #SignedByTrump that shows photos of women with Donald’s quotes written all over their bodies. The series has gone viral as they show the girls political views in such a powerful way.

Aria Watson did the series for her final project in her Introduction to Photography class. The 18-year-old told BuzzFeed “The election was going on at the time, and I felt very strongly about the candidates and their views, so I decided to mix my political opinions with my photography.”


This year, politics have been the main subject of concern in America.

“I never really cared for or understood politics, but this year was different, although I was two weeks too young to actually vote, I was old enough to see what was happening and learn about it.”

Via: buzzfeed.com

Watson felt the need to do something about it.

“When Trump beat Clinton, my heart shattered, I knew I had to create something different.” She added, “All I wanted from these photos was to help people realize who Donald Trump really is, and I just want to feel heard, I know most people are set on their opinions about Trump, but I just hope one person sees ‘#SignedByTrump’ and it opens their eyes.”

Via: buzzfeed.com


The pictures were removed from her social media accounts.

Her photos remained only on Tumblr, gaining 50,000 notes in just one day.

Via: buzzfeed.com

The models were her friends and family, there is even a self-portrait.

Aria kept the models in anonymity so people could picture them in any way she wanted.

Via: buzzfeed.com

She would have loved more diversity in her pictures.

Since her town is so small, most of the people are white. One of the models is latina and Watson said: “The only other women of color I knew weren’t 18 yet, but if they were, I would have asked them to model for me.”

Via: buzzfeed.com

Aria promotes a message of bonding.

“I don’t know why Donald Trump is in office, or how this even happened, but he is. What we need more than ever is to come together. We are stronger together.”

Via: buzzfeed.com

The series had an unexpected success.

“Over the past few days, I’ve gotten messages that have brought me to tears.

Via: facebook.com
Via: facebook.com
Via: facebook.com

We feel so inspired by Aria’s pictures


Maria Gabriela Mendez: