Categories: WTF

This Teen’s Neighbour Confused Taquitos With Cigars And It’s Hilarious

I Think This Guy Might Need Some Glasses

You know how they say things are not always what they seem? Well, it’s true. On Sunday a teen was called out for her bad habits after her neighbor saw her “smoking.” But he might need a pair of glasses. The teenager turned to Twiter to share her supposed “bad habit” and the tweet has gone viral with over 300 k likes and 60k RT.


Meet Sarah Holder.

Sarah is a high school senior from Overland Park, Kansas. She’s eighteen and plans to major in secondary education next year.Sarah babysits to get by, including her neighbors’ children. Since she’s a grown up, when it comes to youngers, she’s someone children look up to so she’s gotta keep a “clean image”.

Image Credit: BuzzFeed

Bad habits.

On Sunday Sarah was driving when she received a text from her neighbor, Amy. She told Sarah that her husband, Randy, had seen her driving with a conical object in her mouth doing some sort of “smoking.”

Amy asked Sarah on behalf of children from their neighborhood to keep her bad habits in private *Oh no, she didn’t*. She said, “A lot of children live on the street so I will speak on their behalf and request you keep your habits private from the kids.”

Image Credit: BuzzFeed

Taquito addiction exposed…

After seeing the text, Sarah replied Amy with a photograph of herself holding her best friend taquito with her finger and thumb. She also made clear she had no bad habits. Please notice Sarah’s face which is priceless.

Sarah described the situation as embarrassing, she said “I didn’t want all my neighbors and friends to think I was setting a bad example. I do not smoke.”

Image Credit: BuzzFeed

Viral embarrassment

Sarah is still waiting for her neighbor to respond but seems she’s pretty embarrassed herself about the misunderstanding.

Nevertheless, Sarah couldn’t help but share the story with the Internet which went viral.

People reactions go from considering Amy and Randy noisy till considering Sarah a hero.


Source: BuzzFeed


Anais Gutierrez: