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Star Wars Battlefront Changes After Reddit Post Bashes The Game

Your Gamer Wishes Have Been Heard!

EA announced a huge change to ‘Star Wars II’s after a Reddit post emerged detailing the flaws in the anticipated game. As a result, gamers can unlock the most valuable players by a cheaper cost.

‘Battlefront II’ was set to ease the fans’ anticipated for the upcoming film ‘The Last Jedi,’ which arrives next month.

A major change to the game has been made

EA made a significant change in ‘Battlefront II‘ following huge backlash after a gamer pointed out that players would have to play the game for roughly 40 hours to unlock just one of its most expensive playable characters.

Now, EA has reduced the amount of in-game currency required to unlock big names such as Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker, changing from 60,000 credits to 15,000.

“Unlocking a hero is a great accomplishment in the game, something we want players to have fun earning,” reads a statement from John Wasilczyk, the executive producer. We used data from the beta to help set those levels, but it’s clear that more changes were needed.”

“We know some of our most passionate fans, including those in our subreddit, have voiced their opinions, and we hear you,” the statement continues. “We’re making the changes to the credit levels for unlocking heroes and we’re going to keep making changes to improve the game experience over time. We welcome the conversation.”

Earlier this year, EA announced that ‘Battlefront II’ would ditch paid-for expansions in favor of free new features, items, and characters, and then this happened.

Via Getty

It all started with a Reddit post

It all started with a thread on the official ‘Star Wars: Battlefront’ subreddit where the opening post called out EA because Darth Vader was locked in the game.

It turned out him, and other famous characters were hidden behind microtransactions. However, the problem was not the fact involving the required microtransactions, but the massive cost of unlocking them. Then, another Redditor jumped in and calculated the time it would take to unlock the characters.

The Redditor, who goes by the username TheHotterPotato, unveiled that it would take 40 hours of gameplay to earn 60,000 credits to unlock a character like Darth Vader. EA responded to the first thread, saying that it wants to provide the players “with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes.”


The reaction to the post was historic, as it received 542,000 downvotes until the thread was locked.

The post claimed the infamy of being the most downvoted post in Reddit history.

Via Getty

Source: Arstechnica

Anais Gutierrez: