Watch This Real Women Re-created the Victoria Secret Fashion Show [VIDEO]

Because Women Come In All Shapes And Sizes

The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show is one of the most expected events of the year, everyone’s looking forward to seeing the hottest models out there rock the runway, but after the show, the BuzzFeed team had the greatest idea, re-create the show with “regular women”.

They had really nice lingerie, a good runway and a group of more diverse women, different from VS that only shows skinny and tall women. There were many sizes, complexions, and figures walking the BuzzFeed runway.

Media creates a pressure on os to be perfect.

Magazines only show pictures of perfectly fit girls with skinny bodies and a nice tan, but regular women don’t look like that very often. We tend to imitate these bodies that we don’t have to the point we don’t feel comfortable in our skins and develop confident issues. The women in this video are totally real, out of stereotypes and still look gorgeous.

They want to be comfortable.

The point of the video is to gain a little more confidence and bravery “even though I’m a little goofy I can be sexy too”.

Via: YouTube.com

I would never be allowed to model.

People have never given these girls the opportunity to model before. They are not only doing this for themselves but for other people as well and expressing who they are in between.

Via: YouTube.com

They want to promote all kind of bodies.

“We should all be given the chance to feel as beautiful as we really are”.

Via: YouTube.com

It takes a lot of preparation.

As the VS models, they get runway ready, these models are eating sweets and having a lot of fun, plus they didn’t shave for a long time.

Via: YouTube.com


Although the models were really nervous, the show supports “Being yourself, and just rocking what you have and just being confident.”

Via: YouTube.com


The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show shouldn’t limitate anyone.

“It all comes down to confidence, if you believe, then everyone else will believe”. It was empowering and emotional, they did it great, gained a lot of confidence and at the end of the show they didn’t wanna put the clothes back on.

Via: YouTube.com


Maria Gabriela Mendez: