Categories: Animals

This 10 Pets Hate Christmas And It’s So Hilarious

The Grinch Would Be So Proud

For our furry friends, holidays can be particularly hard. They get stressed by many things that we humans might perceive as normal. That many people in the house, the noisy kids, and siblings, the overstimulation of food’s smells, the ornaments, and the fireworks. We understand why sometimes our pets hate the holidays. Some people due to their noisy family members do it too.

But from time to time our animal companions get fed up and decide to take action. Not particularly against anyone or anything, just against the holidays and what they represent. Sometimes it is a catastrophe, especially to moms and old creepy aunts. But sometimes the outcome is hilarious. Here we leave you with 10 pets that hate Christmas, Max would be proud.


10.WTF holidays are here again?

Yes, they’re. And it seems they’ve taken this little pup by surprise. You thought you will see a cat here first didn’t you? This little dog might be frightened by his owner’s ultra-positive Christmas spirit. Something very relatable, though.

Image Credit: dangiee

9.I hate you human.

I think we all can relate that using a costume you hate sucks. Especially if you can’t even complain about it. Besides the candy cane bribe isn’t working.

Image Credit: boredomtherapy.com

8.A Christmas from another planet.

This picture is just a perfect example of what the internet is, and it is awesome. We also love you, Lisa and Willy.

Image Credit: boredpanda.com

7.I’m not your toy.

Probably this kitten would be the world’s worst Christmas gift ever. We can see he is plotting a revenge.

Image Credit: mike

6.Christmas cat tree.

Every cat owner will know this is way more common than what it seems. There is a special passion for destroying things in cats.

Image Credit: jennthemermaid


5.Poker face.

Not only there will not be peace on earth on the holy night. The epicness of how the owners seem to ignore the fight and the Santa’s poker face make this picture a true piece of art.

Image Credit: reddit.com

4.To the hell with Santa.

This kitten doesn’t give a damn about anything he is even attacking Santa during this dates. He is a real badass.

Image Credit: boredomtherapy.com

3.I’ll get you when you’re sleeping.

His owner should totally sleep with one eye open. You can feel the hate.

Image Credit: cheezburger.com

2.Men, I really hate your stupid celebrations.

This cat is 100% evilness, 1000% hate towards Christmas.

Image Credit: E.L.A.

1.F*ck your false lord, I’m your true god.

Never thought that the second coming of Christ would be in a cat shape, that explains a lot of why cats act like that.

Image Credit: Kate Bottley

So remember one day we will pay for this, but for now, we can enjoy.

Image Credit: boredomtherapy.com
Luis Farage: