Categories: Funny

One-Legged Guy Nails His Halloween Costume And It’s Amazing

He’s a Genius

If you didn’t think humor was a way to overcome hard situations, you’re gonna change your mind after this. Paralympic athlete Josh Sundquist lost his leg to cancer, but it didn’t take his strength and will. Sunquist began ski racing at 16, and eventually become a part of the U.S Paralympic Ski Team. Nowadays he’s a motivational speaker and helps to show others that life goes on after an amputation.

Of course, losing his leg made him feel awkward, even when time had pass. And since he is such a creative person, he managed to fight that socially odd sensation with his costumes in order to feel better about himself and have a little fun in the process too. And the results are hilarious!

He’s been creating his funny and unique costumes since 2010 and recently he revealed what this year’s costume would look like. He’s for sure an inspiration and role model, turning a disadvantage into an advantage, and always having a happy spirit. An inspiration for all of us.

Oh, oh! It seems like someone bite my leg off.

In 2010 he inspired in “Shrek” and became the Gingerbread man that misses one leg.

Image credit: www.joshsundquist.com

One legged lamp, why not?

I have the same pose already, let’s do it!

Image credit: www.joshsundquist.com

Exotic bird, let’s do it!

This is the craziest one so far, after a visit to the zoo he came out with this idea

Image credit: www.joshsundquist.com

Table soccer player has always been a dream of mine.

This idea came after he asked YouTubers suggestions for a Halloween costume in 2014

Image credit: www.joshsundquist.com


Wait a sec, it’s not normal that that AD moves like that…

Ohh, so that was it. It’s just a guy in a costume.


But this year, he’s overcome himself when he revealed this year’s costume…

He will be Disney’s most famous monopod, and it’s genius!

Image credit: www.joshsundquist.com
Anais Gutierrez: