Categories: WOW

OK Go’s Music Video Was Shot In The Blink Of An Eye

These Guys Are Amazing

This music video is a whole new level.

Ok Go is a rock band that has trespassed music boundaries. They’ve been characterized by creating some awesome videos. Playing with time, motion, and visual tricks, they have developed their own style.

The band debuted with their video “Here It Goes Again” and the famous treadmill perfectly synchronized routine. Now, and after an amount of incredible videos, they bring us this amazing and even more perfectly timed video, called “The One Moment”. The video really lasts 4.2 seconds as they state and frontman Damian Kulash only sings 7 seconds.

It’s incredible, just take a look.

They’ve made the entire video in one take with the help of a small army of robotic arms, several cameras and intense hours of planning.

“I have this spreadsheet that is massive that I was working on for a month, and sometimes I would look at it and it would not be numbers anymore, it was just squiggles,” Kulash, who directed the video, stated.


For the guys of Ok Go, the visual media is their fifth band member.

Kulash said, “When the biggest music streaming service is YouTube, the idea that all musicians aren’t a visual artist is crazy.” Kulash used to work as a designer before becoming a musician. As well he thinks that the information age is a way to push boundaries “I really like that the internet is a place that creativity can flourish in uncategorized ways.”

He is always trying to create challenging videos.

“We’re always trying something that is just on the edge of possible (…) If the line of what’s possible is just this hairline thing, we’re just trying to inch over it just for like, three minutes and then we come back.”

Beyond a bassist’s job

Someone who really deserves to be rewarded by his effort is bassist Tim Norwind. He had to lip sync, operate a flip book and fly through the air like a human canvas. All in perfect synchronization to make the video work. The most demanding role on the video. More work than your average bassist would take.

Whole new meaning.

For Kulash due to the political recent context, the song has taken a new dimension of what it originally meant. “The whole point is that it’s actually the most beautiful thing that we’re temporary that we have to experience this in real time, and the choruses are like, so this is the fucking moment. It’s incredible to watch it shift with the political context. It’s actually, oh god, it’s ending, and this is the moment it ended.”

But at the end what we all can agree on, is that the guys of Ok Go never stop amazing us with awesome videos. And this one, in particular, is a visual delight, so just lean back and enjoy “The One Moment” vid.

Luis Farage: