Categories: WTF

The Internet Is Going Crazy Over A NSFW Mcdonald’s Cup

Once You See It, It’s Stuck Forever In Your Head.

Everything in life is about perspective. The way you see things determines everything you do in life. This is not  “The Secret” that if you think of something hard enough you will get it. But logically the attitude and way you approach the world is the key to life. If you have a crappy attitude and are a douche nothing will come out your way. If you’re good and kind yet not naive, you will go places.

This also applies to images and visual effects. Do you remember the thing where you see a cup or two faces? Well, it’s kind of the same this time only that it has happened to a McCafe cup. You will probably ask what kind of psychological or dense truth, like the little prince’s elephant or snake question, will a McCafe have? Well… we can’t describe it, you need to see it for yourself.


Doesn’t seem very appetizing, does it?

Mcdonald’s creates new holiday campaigns each year. They introduce some limited dishes on their menu that go with the season. But this time, their newest addition has been a bit too “bold” for consumers. As many of the jokes and comments said, “they’re spreading too much Christmas cheer.”

Image Credit: rebrn.com

A whole new perspective.

Yes, it looks like someone spreading butt cheeks to give their inner’s “warmest greetings.” So we don’t really know how to feel about that holiday message, or if we wanna be warmed in that particular way. Maybe is McDonals itself warning us of the side effects of this new coffee.

Cleaned up.

Originally the McCafe cup featured a pair of white mittens. As a part of their new McCafe Peppermint Mocha. That invited us, consumers, to share a warm yet delicious beverage in the company of our loved ones. Especially during this holidays. But as a worldwide brand, you need to know that anything you do, must be troll-proof nowadays.

The Internet strikes again.

Nobody is sure who was the mastermind behind this redesign version of the cup. But the picture was shared on Twitter and it became viral on Sunday. Someone posted it on Reddit two days ago, and since then it has become viral.

Image Credit: reddit.com
Image Credit: reddit.com

Once you see it you can’t unsee it.

This artistic work has made us all laugh, But there are people that without the original version of the cup would have never guessed what it was supposed to be in the first place. And we must admit, we never thought it was a pair of mittens before we saw the original McDonals post.


The dangerous but still awesome thing of the internet are the incredible amount of snappy and clever observations. And the fact that everything is turned into a joke. So here you have some of the reactions of this “sexy” holidays cup.


Luis Farage: