Categories: WTF

Meet Daniel, A Very Famous Emotional Support Duck

Yes, He Is In Fact A Duck

Animals, they’re not just fun and extremely kind, but I suspect they have superpowers! Whether you have pets or not, everyone who has been around animals has felt that calm and peace they give. It’s like they have the power to calm us and have a relaxing effect on humans.

Given that effect and the natural capacities of animals, they’re sometimes used as companion animals for individuals with a disability. These disabilities can be physical, psychiatric or intellectual. I’m sure you have seen those cute dogs that help blind people or those that help kids with autism. But I bet you haven’t seen a duck as a companion. Daniel is a duckie that is a companion animal and is adorable, check it!

Meet Daniel. Quack, quack Daniel.

Daniel is an emotional supportive animal that became famous last week, when author Mark Essing shared this pic on Twitter. Daniel is four years old, he is an Indian Runner, and was adopted when he was just two days old. And he really loves making people happy.

Image credit: www.buzzfeed.com

He loves his Captain America diaper and clearly knows how to wear red shoes

His owner Carla Fitzgerald, says every morning after his bath, he chooses his Captain America diaper. She also says that Daniel loves people, he prefers playing with his toys than with other ducks. So, he’s basically a little human with feathers.

Image credit: www.buzzfeed.com

Daniel also loves receiving kisses from Carla

Carla and Daniel got together after a sad event on Carla’s life. An accident that had made her have  miscommunication of her brain, chronic pain, and post-traumatic disorder. Now Daniel helps her to calm the PTD, so she doesn’t do crowds or travels without him.He has a calming effect on her.

Image credit: www.buzzfeed.com

Fun fact: Daniel can’t fly 🙁

Indian Runners can’t fly, so this picture of him looking out of the window and  above the clouds makes you wonder if he has some ancestral memory of how flying feels. Daniel, even when you can’t fly, you fill many hearts with joy.

Image credit: www.buzzfeed.com
Anais Gutierrez: