These Are The Least Visited Countries In The World
The Positive Side Is That Some People May Enjoy Less Tourists At Their Destinations
Seeker Daily is a Youtube channel that’s dedicated to facts about news, society, politics and life itself. It recently published a video in which they list the least visited countries in the world and explain the reasons.
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We give you a summary:
At some point, traveling was not for everybody, only wealthy people could take that chance. Nowadays, the number of people who hop on a plane is considrably bigger.
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Although, some countries are not a target for those adventurous travelers.
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Moldova, Eastern Europe, is one of the least visited countries in the world. Tourisim in 2014 was conformed by only 11 thousand people.
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As you can see, since the mid-1900’s tourism dropped significantly and at 2008 it hit rock bottom as only 7 thousand people visited the country. Moldova was declared the least visited country in Europe.
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The country embraced it’s label and rebranded as the “road-less-traveled”.
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Moldova partnered with the US Agency for International Development and some non-profits to promote the country’s spotlights, meaning: what differentiated it from the others, such as wine industry.
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Guinea, West Africa, is another one of the least visited countries. Only 33 thousand visitors were registered on 2014.
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With a population of 12 million, there was about one tourist for every 372 residents. It is unsure why people has no interest in visiting the country, but the possibilities include violent protests, domestic instability, widespread illness, among others.
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Also, travelers need to get vaccines because of the amount of diseases that this country fights against. Despite the vaccines, they are still vulnerable to contracting malaria, dengue, and yellow fever because of mosquito bites. Even Ebola is a possibility since it is the first country affected by the epidemic.
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The least visited country is Bangladesh. For every 1,272 local, there’s only one tourist.
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Bangladesh has lots of tourist attractions. It is even home to one of the longest unbroken sandy beaches in the world. This is because of a disrepute which characterizes the country for natural disasters and inhuman labor practices, among others.
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Although locals enjoy touring their own territory, foreigners are almost never expected. The government has tried to boost their tourism with a campaign called “Beautiful Bangladesh” and by improving the traveler’s security.
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These three countries are the least visited because of the proportion of residents and tourists, but there are other locations that, as well as these, are visited by a few thousands every year.