Categories: WTF

Kid Rock’s ‘American Badass Grill’ Is Really Patriotic And It Inspires Stephen Colbert

Who Would Have Guess?

Singers, actors and sports stars are now business visionaries, humanitarians, models and many other things. With just looking at Beyonce, Angelina Jolie or David Beckham is enough.

But mostly, all of them have turned into a brand, no matter what. They all sell clothes, perfumes, etc. So when they release new products most of all listen to them. Not only because they sell us their lifestyle. Also, because they’ve the contacts to generally do a quality product. But there are certain celebrities, that for their way of being, we doubt of anything they do or say. Kid Rock is one of them.

Image Credit: youtube.com

As seen on TV

On The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, many things happen. As in the different sections, he has on his show there are interviews, sketches, live presentations and so on. But we one thing we never expected to saw was an add promoted by Stephen himself. Especially one promoting Kid Rock.

But it seems Colbert is a Kid Rock die-hard fan. Since he considers Rock as one of America’s best “singer/song-yellers,” also because “he is never afraid to make bold, patriotic gestures.” So due to his great admiration for him, he decided to promote Kid Rock’s new “American Badass Grill.”

Purely ‘Murican

It seems that Kid Rock has taken his nationalism to another level. As he brought literally the heat to his foreign competition. Showing how he will “destroy them,” in a pair of clips where he explodes Chinese grills with an “all American rifle” and shooting down another one with a shotgun.

As it looks like Kid really hates China and their products. But as Stephen recalls the special effects look “Chinese” too. The promotional videos from Kid, even though are meant to be serious, really look like a parody of the stereotypical aspects of the U.S. citizen the world makes fun off.

Image Credit: youtube.com

Grilled propaganda.

Even Stephen notices this and makes fun out of it. Not only by making jokes about the video but also about the grills. Saying that they look like the ones in which Seal team 6 cooked Bin Laden. Or by pointing out the fact that “Kid Rock hates Chinese grills so much he bought hundreds of them” even though it was just to blow them up.

On the other hand, Stephen also said that Kid’s patriotism hasn’t been unnoticed. As his name could be floated for a GOP Senate run from Michigan. Saying that the ads of his grills have another purpose. “So these videos are basically campaign ads,” Colbert said. After all of this, he decided to call one of the show’s friends, Shriekin’ Joe since he is also planning to run for the Michigan Senate.

Image Credit: youtube.com

Polemic politics.

He used Stephen’s show as a platform to state that he is planning a 2018 run for Senate. All of this saying sexual referenced slogans. As polemic nonsense politics worked for Trump, so why can’t they work for him too? So, to not fall back on the race he will fight a Nissan and released his “American Dumbass Ice cream Machine.”

So, even though he also hates foreign manufacture, to not fall back on the political anti-foreign race and the business one he will do as well some bold thing. The first one is to fight a Nissan, because of reasons. Then he released his “American Dumbass Ice cream Machine,” on the show. With an epic commercial full of “cool especial effects.”

Image Credit: youtube.com

Source: Billboard.com

Luis Farage: