Categories: Funny

Angry James Corden Represents All Of Us In Secret Santa

Yeah, We Get You James

Christmas has a lot of traditions. Some are to remember the good things of the year, others to bring luck, to join the family, or simply to share with friends. In the case of friends is pretty normal to do a Secret Santa. Were, you give a gift based on what you know about that person. This, as all traditions, is loved by some and hated by others.

This, as all traditions, is loved by some and hated by others. And the hating part seems something to relate to. There is a kind of anxiety to not blew it, to give something the people would buy for themselves. Or simply something they would really like. Besides, there is always that person that crosses the limit and gives a spectacular expensive gift.

James Corden Show.

The Secret Santa tradition isn’t exclusive to friends, as it’s a very common thing to do in workplaces. And in this case, it was between the British actor and comedian James Corden and his crew. After an emotive speech about the gifts not being about the cost but about the meaning of it, the giveaway turned into a catastrophic spin when they didn’t follow the rules.

The gift’s spending limit.

As every Secret Santa to avoid things go out of hand you set a price limit. In the Late Show’s crew case was $15. But it seems that the guys love each other way too much, and earn fair enough since they went over the limit. An apple TV, a new XBOX One, a rare first edition book, and why not a car, were some of the gifts that they gave each other on the show.

Image Credit: youtube.com
Image Credit: youtube.com

James’ gift.

Everybody’s Incredibles gift was upsetting James as he thought it was way over the limit. Finally, when it got to his turn of handing his gift, a gift card to a coffee shop, he was able to sneak a few dollars into it. Just to make it look even more pathetic. It was a weird gift to give to a person who quit coffee a year ago.

Image Credit: youtube.com

Not so happy holidays.

At the end, James’  grinchy attitude was making everyone feel pretty awkward. They also kept talking about his lame gift. The only thing that we regret, besides of not working on the show to get that awesome gifts, is that we couldn’t see the rest of the presents. Was there a house? A unicorn? A country in the Caribbean? We want to know!

Image Credit: youtube.com
Image Credit: youtube.com
Luis Farage: