Categories: WOW

This Instagram Account Will Make You Lose It

It’s Everything You Could Ever Imagine And So Much More

Via: Instagram/ oldmagnet

Okay, so this might be the best Instagram account ever. The photos really speak for themselves; they are so cool we wanted to share them with you.

Old Magnet is page based on submissions, which means they post every visual thrilling thing you can probably image in this page, they even got their own page where they even interview all the trendy artist, check it out oldmag.net. Take a look at our 31 favorites.

1. It’s one way to look at it.

2. This is something Chuck Norris would like in his backyard. Why? Just because.

3. Retro.

4. Don’t let society label you. Be unique.

5. Dali; seeking for inspiration maybe?

6. Aren’t we all looking for that?

7. Because it doesn’t matter that outer shell, we are all delicate inside.

8. Still, can’t if I like it or not.

9. Don’t let them tell you otherwise.

10. Literally this is me adulting.

11. Me, trying to get through finals.

12. Because the only way to use them is by drinking a bunch of alcohol.

13. I guess I am happy 24/7.

14. When someone keeps interrupting me.

15. Society pulling some strings?

16. It’s all about your perspective on things.

17. Marissa knows best.

18. Love has no labels.

19. Me, when someone doesn’t know the difference between “you’re” and “your.”

20. Some drink tea hoping for a genie to come out.

21. Because Earth without art is just “Eh.”

22. Some girls at school be like.

23. Yeah, the thing is… I didn’t ask for your advice.

24. Because you are a classy b*tch.

25. If only… I know a lot of people I’d love to use this on.

26. NYC; the “Concrete Jungle.”

27. I don’t think just one of this will do the job.

28. Could someone tell me? Anyone?

29. Street art is on fleek.

30. Life is unexpected.

31. Relatable?

Aylyn Albornoz: