Categories: Living

Have You Ever Wondered What Will Humans Look Like In 1,000 Years? Find Out The Science Behind It [VIDEO]

We Might Even Merge With Machines, RoboCop Style

Image Credit: youtube.com

Evolution is a big and important part of life and history. As it literally has helped mankind, and other species, to stay alive. Giving us specific behaviors and traits that help adapt and survive. Scientist, anthropologist, and zoologist have discovered how things have been centuries before. But, how will us humans evolve in the future, 1,000 years from now?

It’s a complex question, but as always science has the answer. Even though some of it might be complicated, the guys from Tech Insider have done an awesome video that explains how humans will evolve in the upcoming 1,000 years.

First hints of the changes to come

The first thing we learn from the video is that our grandchildren and further will be taller. Since the average man has been growing up. As they use the example of the average American man who used to measure 5.7 feet tall before and now it’s 5.10. Also due to the great technological advances, and obsession, we might even merge with machines. In a very robocop style.

Since prosthesis have been developed in order to improve sight, hearing, movement, and many other health aspects. But it’s possible that one this devices solve the health issues they grow in order for us to reach and bend boundaries. Like hearing ultrasound or even finally get an X-Ray vision.

Image Credit: youtube.com

DNA will change and adapt

But the change will not be only on our appearance, as also our DNA will change to adapt and helps us survive. As an Oxford-led study discovered that a group of HIV-infected children on South-Africa have developed a defensive system that prevents the virus from developing on AIDS. Leading them to live a happy healthy life. Now with gene-editing tools as CRISPR the possibilities are endless, as we might even reach the point of becoming immune to all diseases. Or who knows even prevent the effects of aging.

This could also lead us to adapt to further habitats. Like Mars, Elon Musk getting pretty excited about it, which can also develop into further evolution traits. If we really reach Mars, where there is 66% less sunlight than Earth meaning our pupils will grow to absorb more light. Or since it has less gravity if someone born there would be even taller. As the fluid that separates our vertebrae expands.

Image Credit: youtube.com

The next step

Since the direction of evolution is to preserve life it can get to the point that we reach immortality Maybe something many disagree on, but it’s a possibility. Whether it’s downloading our minds into a computer or a corporal life. As currently on Italy and China scientist are experimenting with transplanting heads between animals, to see if memories and consciences can be transferred. With their next big step being transplanting human heads.

But there is a long wait to see if we will ever reach any of those points. 1,000 years is a really long time. Despite it all, we only have the certainty that all species, along with humans, are always changing in order to survive.

Image Credit: youtube.com

If you want to watch the whole video of Tech Inside, and understand a bit more about how will we look like in 1,000 years, here you have it.


Luis Farage: