Categories: Living

How Does Weed Affect Women And Men?

Apparently, very differently

Image Credit: Cannaclinics.org

Have you ever wonder if men and women experience cannabis in different ways? Whether you have or haven’t, the answer is yes. Is all related to our hormones, women due to estrogen are more sensitive to weed, while men are less sensitive to it. Here are some facts by a Washington State University research regarding this issue.

Image Credit: www.883zy.com

Ladies first…

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1. Is all about your cycle… and drug sensitivity

If you’re a lady, a day or two before you ovulate you can feel the most effects from THC. This is because in these days estrogen levels reach the peak and begin to fall, which makes you more sensitive to drugs. So yep, is all about your cycle.

Image Credit: Womeninbalance.org

2. Thanks for the pain relief

Here comes estrogen again! The interaction between estrogen and THC gives weed greater pain-relieving effects on women, around a 30%.

Credit: Hightimes.com

3. But no thanks for the withdrawal effects

So, we got the pain thing cover, but then we do feel cannabis withdrawal symptoms more than men. In a study made in 2010, women reported sleep disruption, lack of appetite and irritability once they ran out of weed.

Image Credit: Dothash.buzz

4.  More tolerant

In a test performed in rodents, female rodents develop tolerance to THC quicker than male rodents, which hints that women might also be more tolerant to THC.

Image Credit: Verywell.com

5. Where was I going?

Also, marijuana seems to affect women’s visuospatial memory – your mental Google Maps, the one that helps you remember places and locations – more than men’s. This happens in cases of human chimneys, or chronic smokers.

Image Credit: Wired

5. Sex drive

Estrogen contributes to female sex drive, and its interaction with THC can increase your libido, or decrease it. The trick is to use low doses of weed to increase your libido.

Image Credit: Eatthis.com

Regarding men…

When talking about experiencing cannabis, women are more likely to experience trouble with cannabis. Let’s see the main differences that affect men’s high.

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1. A serious case of the munchies

When smoking, men show an appetite incensement. So, weed tends to make our male friends hungrier according to studies.

Image Credit: Caesarsghost.wordpress.com

2. No pain relief for you guys

As men are less sensitive to cannabis, they have to smoke more than women, in order to experience pain relief.

Image Credit: UPI

3. And then psychosis

Even when psychosis is a rare cannabis effect, it seems to be more experienced by men than by women. According to a study made in 2015, men are more likely to experience cannabis-induced psychosis.

Image Credit: Youtube

4. Testosterone spike

THC causes a testosterone spike after smoking. Contrary to women, in high doses, this spikes only lasts 20 minutes, but in low doses, it can even last an hour.

Image Credit: Keyword-suggestions.com

So, men and women experience marijuana in their own different ways. On one hand, due to women’s sensitivity to drugs, women don’t need to smoke that much to feel the effects but are more likely to feel the withdrawal effects. While men don’t have the advantage of the pain relief, they experience some serious munchies and they get faster in the mood for sex.

Image Credit: Yourweddingmom.wordpress.com
Anais Gutierrez: