GQ Magazine Lists the Bible in the Top 21 Most Overrated Books of All Time

This Led To Some Very Controversial Comments

The most popular magazine for men, GQ recently launched an article that deals with a list of 21 classic books that “you do not have to read. One of those titles we can see included in the Holy Bible.

“The Holy Bible is very much appreciated by all the people who supposedly live according to it, but who have not read it,” said Jesse Ball, a novelist, and poet who wrote the section of the article on the Bible. “Those who have read it know that there are some good parts. In general, it is not the best thing that man has produced. It is repetitive, contradictory, judgmental, silly and even sometimes malicious.”

by Yesplz

GQ scandalizes everyone with his list of 21 books you don’t have to read!

After this article has been published has received negative reactions. Among the media critics of the article is Fox News, who spoke with his religious collaborator Father Jonathan Morris. “They took 21 books that they think should be burned digitally. That’s fine, which does not sound very modern.”

“And they throw out a lot of the best books of Western Civilization and what I think they’re trying to do is say, ‘Hey, listen, we have to go in a very different direction.’

Morris also spoke about the inclusion of the Bible in the list “simply silly and a shame.”

“Even if you do not believe that this is an inspired word of God. In the last 50 years 3,900 million have read the book,” said the Reverend.

What is the opinion of the magazine?

“They told us in our whole lives that we can only call ourselves. Read once we have read the Great Books, we tried,” write the GQ editors in an introduction to the list. “We realized that not all the Great Books had aged well, some are racist, and others are sexist, but most of them are very, very boring, so we, and a group of bored writers, give permission to reject these books the canon, this is what you should read instead. “

The editors in charge of this article explain that they only list 20 books. The “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain appear twice.

by ijr.com

The Bible is ranked No. 12.

The novelist Jesse Ball explains that according to the “The Holy Bible is very appreciated by all the people who supposedly live according to it, but who have not read it.”

GQ says other books you should not read include JD Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye,” Ernest Hemingway’s “The Old Man and the Sea,” Paulo Coelho’s “The Alchemist,” Ernest Hemingway’s “A Farewell to Arms.” , and “The Lord of the Rings” by JRR Tolkien.

Also “Catch-22” by Joseph Heller, “Life” by Keith Richards and “Slaughterhouse Five” by Kurt Vonnegut.

This is undoubtedly a very personal issue, because that list of books has been sold to millions of people, who are now fans, will be something cliché of human beings? Will these stories have a background as deep as a glass of water? According to GQ, we should believe it.

Nicole Zabaleta: