Categories: Living

This Gay Woman Showed Everyone A Lesson By Doing This

Love Always Wins

Sometimes all you need to do is teach people a lesson, but in the nicest way you can. A gay woman paid a meal for the stranger homophobic family sitting next to her.

The family was critisizing their gay nephew and saying how they needed to pray for him. The liberal woman sitting next to them heard everything, but instead of calling them out, she decided to go for a nice gest.

The woman leaved them a note on the bill.

She paid for the meal the family had and wrote some words inviting the family to be more acceptive. “Happy holidays from the very gay, very liberal table sitting next to you. Jesus made me this way,” Woods wrote. “P.S. Be accepting of your family.” wrote the lady.

Via: mashable.com

The family was so disgusted that their nephew turned out to be gay.

The liberal nephew wasn’t accepted for this “religious” family. The woman didn’t agree, she says she’s inspired by “the Jesus I grew up learning about”.


“When they go low, we go high”.

She was also inspired by Michelle Obama, and that’s why she decided to do the nice gesture. Fight hate with love or in this case, a meal.


Maria Gabriela Mendez: