This Far-Right Tweet About “The Future That Liberals Want” Turned Into The Best Meme Of This 2017

We Are Loving This So Much

On Wednesday a political war took over on Twitter and the result it’s awesome. After far right Twitter user @polNewsNetwork1 posted a picture denouncing the “future liberals want,” liberals punched back with a tweet and meme avalanche.

We’re sure @polNewsNetwork1 didn’t see it coming and surely didn’t expect that response from the Internet. While some far right came to its defense, the liberals meme made of the whole thing something quite refreshing.


Starting the fire.

Twitter user @polNewsNetwork1 posted a picture on Wednesday denouncing and warning people about the dangers of the future liberals want.

The account shared a picture of a Muslim woman and a drag queen sitting next to each other on the subway. The caption read,  “the future that liberals want.” And so it began the fire…

Yes, indeed.

The Twittersphere went crazy about it and responded with liberals memes and tweets ridiculizing the original one.  Turns out that the image perfectly reflects the future most people want. Cultural diversity, freedom of self-expression and simply coexistence.

It took no time for liberals to respond with tweets and memes. Users highlighted how that is, in fact, the goal.

Others pointed out that’s the PRESENT they want.

Of course, there were memes.

There’s beauty in diversity.

The drag queen on the photo is Gilda Wabbit. The picture was actually posted on @subwaycreatures to show the beauty of New York’s diversity. Gilda didn’t care about the far right tweet but loved the way people reacted.

She said, “I won’t speak for all liberals, but my goal is for everyone — white, brown, drag queen, soccer mom, cisgender, trans, heterosexual, queer, working class, middle class — to be able to exist as they choose without judgment or fear.”

So yeah, that’s pretty much the future we want.

Source: Buzzfeed.

Anais Gutierrez: