Categories: WOW

This Experiment Freezes A Pepsi With Liquid Nitrogen And The Results Are WOW

Science, B****

If we have learned something in the last years is that science is pretty awesome. It’s not that we didn’t know it but for it’s not their favorite topic. But series like Breaking Bad and Dr. Who have just rubbed in our face how awesome and far you can go with it.

So YouTube has also taken a step in showing us how you can do cool things with just a bit of science. As tons of YouTube channels and videos have done these creating amazing things and tricks.


The video.

Like we said before, you can find endless videos doing some incredible things with a touch of science. But now is the time for a specific channel called Mr. Gear. He decided to freeze some things and then smash them with liquid nitrogen. And the outcome is pretty cool.

No veggies, please.

Even though the title said it’s the liquid nitrogen vs the Pepsi first Mr. Gear freezes tons of tables and a hand berries. We don’t know why but we have the feel he doesn’t seem to like them too much. As he smashes them with a bit too much of hate.

Image Credit: youtube.com

Science vs Pepsi.

As it seems Mr. Gear simply took out everything he got left in his fridge and decided to freeze it and destroy it. The video promised us a battle between science and a Pepsi can. Even though the hammer and the liquid nitrogen won at the end we are impressed of how good the can resisted the punches.

Image Credit: youtube.com


Luis Farage: