Elon Musk Has A Theory About Us Living In A Simulation, Look!
He Also Thinks We Are Going To Colonize Mars And He Seems To Be Right
According to Elon Musk, the real-life Iron Man, we are “most definitely” living in a simulation world, just like Matrix or The Sims, say what? Well yes, he told in an interview, there is only a “one in billions” chance that we’re not living in a computer simulation.
Via: neonnettle.com
He is comparing us to an advanced version of The Sims, basically, this all sounds very unlikely, but reality is not as it seems.
Via: Vox
Philosopher Nick Bostrom first did a paper about this theory in 2003, and now Musk is taking the task of echoing this.
Via: Vox
His argument goes a little like this 40 years ago we had Pong, like two rectangles and a dot, 30 years after this we got The Sims. And now 40 years later we’ve photorealistic 3D simulations.
Via: Vox
So we will fast forward 10,000 years into the future, it’s a possibility when we get there civilization will be entirely gone because there is a limit to our advancement, it could be because of global warming, or some other thing.
Via: Vox
But there’s another possibility, if we keep advancing and this is assuming that anything in the world can be simulated, eventually we’ll simulate ourselves, every synapse of the human brain for everyone who exists on earth. That’s A LOT.
Via: Vox
But getting enough power to run billions of simulations sounds a bit tricky, but Bostom thinks we’d send tiny self-replicating robots (say what?) to another planet which would kind of turn the planet into a massive computer.
Via: Vox
But in this scenario, there would be BILLION of universes exactly like our own, and well, chances are we are in one of them.
Via: Vox
“Either we are going to create simulations that are indistinguishable from reality or civilization will cease to exist.” Says Musk.
Via: recode.net
The last possibility is that maybe future humans don’t want to run ancestors simulations, they may think it’s unethical because of the huge amount of suffering it exists even if it’s a simulated world, the pain would still be real to the simulated humans, or maybe they have other priorities.
Via: The Guardian
So, in conclusion, these are the three possibilities, but Elon Musk thinks there’s only a tiny chance that we are in the first and second .
Via: Vox
But according to Bostrom, he thinks there’s only a 20% chance we are living in a simulation, but to see it with another twist, Nick Bostrom also adds, that if we are in a simulation, at least we know for sure that there’s a higher-level being, only that instead of a God, it would be a version of ourselves.