I’m Taking My Cat to The Next Hat Party I’m Invited
We’ve already stated in our previous post; cats are awesome. They are the narwhals of the internet, and they can pretty much look cute in everything.
There’s no scientific fact why cats are funny. We simply know there are millions of cat videos online, and they get really famous with just one click. But have you seen a compilation of cats wearing hats? What’s cuter than cats with hats? Well, let me tell you. NOTHING is cuter than CATS WITH HATS.
1. This little fellow who has the tiniest birthday hat
Image Credit: : maximumawesomeness.com
2. Oh, the irony, Mickey Mouse on a cat
Image Credit: littlehatsoncats.tumblr.com/
3. This is the cutest genie in a flying box I’ve ever seen
Image Credit: Go Daddy
4. Disney princesses got nothing on this pretty lady
Image Credit: http://littlehatsoncats.tumblr.com/
5. Just look at that cute cute face
Image Credit: snoopy409
6. Leaf hats were actually a trend in Japan. This asian people are the kings and queens of the internet
Image Credit: Empirevital.com
Image Credit: Coolanimalworld.com
8. Now that Halloween is just around the corner, what’s better than a little witch cat?
Image Credit: Grayda
9. I was wrong, a pumpkin looks way cuter than a little witch cat
Image Credit: megamikira
10. This cat is all of us on a Halloween night
Image Credit: ifucanreadthsur2clse
11. This is a THING you can buy for your cat, although that kitty doesn’t seem so happy to be wearing one
Image Credit: kittenskittenskittens
12. A full body costume is too much to handle
Image Credit: ittlehatsoncats.tumblr.com
13. OMG this tiger takes all of our hearts
Image Credit: littlehatsoncats.tumblr.com/
14. Is it a crab hat? I don’t even know what this is but looks really cool
Image Credit:littlehatsoncats.tumblr.com/
15. This cat looks soooo fancy
Image Credit: littlehatsoncats.tumblr.com/
16. Right on cowboy!
17. Ok, this goes way beyond cats with hats. But Japanese people take over the limit and they end up with this weirdly cute looking cats! HOW?
Image Credit: wtfjapanseriously
18. This is mesmerizing to watch
Image Credit: tiger340
19. Pandalicious
Image Credit: cuivres
20. This is my life goal
Image Credit: nattyblue
21. Miss Universe got nothing on her
Image Credit: lucymeowgall
22. Lokitty, if you know what I mean
Image Credit: fuckyesmeow
23. Finally, this cat is giving us some 90’s style throwback