Meet The Cat Man Of Aleppo, The Guy Who Rescues Animals In Syria’s War Zone

It’s A War Hot Zone But That Doesn’t Stop Him

The situation on Siria has been one of the most horrible things mankind has seen in recent times. As not only the horrors of war itself are enough to disturb anyone. But also, all the collateral damage that it causes. Since war doesn’t only take lives, it also destroys families, cities and affects nature and animals.

Even in the middle of these horrendous situations where many lost their faith in this world, some of the kindest and beautiful acts can be seen. In this case, is the story of a man who loves animals more than anything else. He has stayed in the middle of a war zone to help them, as they can’t flee.

Image Credit: boredpanda.com

Crazy for cats

The animal saint is called Meet Mohammad Alaa Aljaleel. Since he has decided to stay in his native Aleppo, that has been a hot war zone for 5 years now, in order to help any living thing he finds on his way.

He drives an ambulance through the ghost city rescuing people. Due to the fact that more than 40.000 persons have left the city hoping to save their lives. This is something he started doing when the conflict started. It doesn’t stop there, as he also helps all the animals he founds in his way.

“Someone who has mercy in their heart for humans has mercy for every living thing,” Aljalee said.  This love for the fury earthlings has granted him the nickname of “the cat man of Aleppo.” ” lt all started with 20 kitties, but now there’s over a 100. When people left, the cats started coming to me… Some people just left them with me knowing that I love cats.” Aljaleel stated in an interview with the BBC News last year. He even funded a cat sanctuary called “Il Gattaro d’Aleppo.”

Once, Aljaleel had an encounter with a little girl that brought him his kitten. As the little girl said how much she will miss her cat and ask him to send her pictures of the kitty. “She cried as she handed her over to me and they left the country.” To what Aljaleel sends the girl pictures of the cat all the time.

Aljaleel’s initiative is extremely beautiful and brave. Due to the fact that before the conflict started he was an electrician. Now he rescues all kinds of lives in the most adverse circumstances. Also, because it’s has been a lonely task as most of his friends and family have abandoned the city escaping from the conflict. But Aljaleel’s great heart force him to stay there “no matter what happens” to help.

Image Credit: boredpanda.com

Loving the dogs’ life

The incredibly brave and kind hearted Mohammad Alla Aljaleel doesn’t stop there. Since he isn’t just a cat lover he also has space for stray dogs in his live. After, he went viral for his audacious work he spent a few months in Turkey, to recharge energy and supplies. Now he’s back to the middle of the heat as he is working on re-establishing the sanctuary for the homeless cats.

But now he will have an addition, as he is rescuing dogs too. He most recently rescued a momma dog and her 15 puppies last month. As he was driving an ambulance he spotted a hungry dog hiding in an open field. When Aljaleel came closer to the dog, he also saw 15 puppies. Then he did what he does best, helping animals in need. As he started feeding and taking care of them, checking everything was just fine.

Now, between all his humanitarian and helping labors, he goes every day to feed, play and take care of the 16 dogs. As he is making a perfect place for the canine family on his sanctuary. As Alessandra Abidin, who is a friend and collaborator of Aljaleel as she runs the Facebook group of “Il Gattaro d’Aleppo,” said. “We want to build a house for them.” So after meeting him, you know the doggy family are literally in the best hands they could be, as also are all the cats that he founds in the way.

Image Credit: boredpanda.com

Source: boredpanda.com

Luis Farage: