Betty White Turned 95 And We Celebrate With Her Top 10 Moments

My Main Goal In Life Is To Be Like Her At That Age.

Not only Betty White survived 2016, but she’s celebrating her birthday!! The cutest National Treasure turned 95-years and we want to celebrate with her!

Everybody’s favorite grandma has a lifetime acting, and one of the main things she loves is making people laugh. And hell, she makes us laugh as no one!! Her charm and sense of humor have stuck by her in an endless number of roles and TV moments.


Our Top 10 Favorite Betty Moments

10.  The Golden Grils.

The show presenting the lovely and funny elderly ladies of South Florida, had its touch with naive Rose Nylund’s endless tales of her childhood in St. Olaf, Minn. Betty’s portrayal of the clueless woman was just perfection, granting her an Emmy for its interpretation on the show. The surprise was when throughout the series fans learned that Rose wasn’t as innocent as she appeared.

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9. Late Show With David Letterman.

Betty’s enthusiasm for vodka is not a secret. In fact, back in 2009 during a presentation on The Late Show With David Letterman while they discussed her upcoming birthday, the host thought a better way to bond would be over two glasses of Grey Goose. But while David opted to drink right from the bottle, Betty had enough and sprayed her mouthful out.

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8. Ugly Betty.

Sometimes she played the mean girl and others she got played by one. In 2007 Betty played the victim of Vanessa Williams’ ruthless Whilemina Slater. In the episode, Betty got her hand slammed by a taxi door occupied by Whilemina Slater. I mean, who would do that to sweet Betty?

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7. Super Bowl Snicker’s Ad.

This ad is the proof that Betty can play every role, and be magnificent at it, even a small one like this. In 2010, White revealed the side effects of having a low Snicker diet. In the commercial, Betty is having a difficult time kicking butt on the field, but after eating a Snickers, she’s more than ready to go!

6. The Proposal.

We met the coolest and most lovely grandma with Betty’s portrayal of the Paxton’s family “Ganny.” The granny with the most inventive and funny comments got really intimate with co-star Sandra Bullock while getting her dress fixed for the big wedding day. But the best where her chantings.

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5. The Mary Tyler Show.

Betty has played the two side of girls, the golden girl, and the mean girl. In The Mary Moore Show, betty played Sue Ann Nivens, the man-hungry host of the fictional TV show The Happy Homemaker. There she taught us the art of the clenched smile as she was frenemy of Mary Moore’s character.

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4. Hot In Cleveland.

Betty’s role as Elka Ostrovsky is full of fun and smart comments. From threatening to linking her castmates to hookers, this role has given us uncountable puns and funny moments.

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3. 16th SAG Awards Acceptance Speech.

White’s love for irreverent comments was more than clear in her acceptance speech for her much well-deserved Lifetime Achievement Award. The speech was also beautiful and touching as she talked about the industry and how touched she was for being part of it.

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2. The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson.

Betty is always in to make people laugh, and she’s no stranger to sketch comedy. Throughout the 1970s and 80s White and Carson came with a series of sketches that were comedy gold. I’ll just say that she was down for dressing as Jane and Tarzan in on of those sketches.

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1. Saturday Night Live.

Last May, Betty finally got to host SNL! We waited for a long time, yes, but boy was it worth it. There was tapping, kisses and a lot of Betty to enjoy. Let’s not forget the many jokes about how everything has changed since her days as a rookie actress. She nailed it with her whole hosting, yes, but her Facebook’s Monologue was just killing.

Image Credit: AP



Anais Gutierrez: