Categories: WTF

13 Things That’ll Happen In 2017 According To The Simpsons

This Gives Me The Goose Bumps.

THE SIMPSONS: Maggie, Lisa and Bart meet a rhyming cat in “The Fat in The Hat” story, part of the all-new “Treehouse of Horror XXIV” episode of THE SIMPSONS airing Sunday, Oct. 6 (8:00-8:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX.  THE SIMPSONS ™ and © 2013 TCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

The Simpsons are just way too much.

Humor is a sugarcoated way of telling the truth. Like it or not jokes always hide a tiny bit of honesty and reality on them. And that is what some animated and politically incorrect TV shows tend to do. The inappropriate content of this shows make us laugh all the time. But the fact is that despite their polemic content there’s a lot of truth in them. They parody reality and present it in the most ironic, absurd and stupid way possible.

We enjoy inappropriate content from many tv shows such as South Park, Family Guy, American Dad, Rick and Morty, Bojack Horseman, Robot Chicken and more. But we all can agree that The Simpsons were the pioneers of this movement. The yellow family is not only the oldest of this shows but as well one of the best. But in recent years due to their amount of time on TV and ironic way of making fun of all they’ve become a kind of oracle. The new Nostradamus of our generation has predicted, mainly by coincidence, tons of things, including Trumps presidency.

The yellow family is not only the oldest of these type of shows but one of the best. And in recent years due to their ironic way of making fun, they’ve become a kind of oracle. They have predicted, mainly by coincidence, tons of things, including Trump’s presidency.

So here we leave you with 13 things that according to The Simpsons will happen in 2017. So far all we know is that after Trump’s presidency we will have Lisa’s


13.Socializing will be solved.

This is one of the most probable things that will happen due to all the social media we are constantly exposed too. This is from the episode “The Saved Lisa’s Brain” were Facebook’s algorithm will tell when some are using sarcasm or when something you read online is fake or not. That sounds usefull.

Image Credit: Fox

12. It’s evolution baby.

In this case, it will be the other way around. As it shows in the episode “The Monkey Suit” were is  illegal to teach evolution in schools. Probably with some of Trump’s radical measures this might be just around of the corner.


11.A second round, please.

In the episode “Sideshow Bob Roberts”, it’s revealed that an election was won because of voter fraud and Sideshow Bob becomes mayor because of it. The fraud is the use of dead people and pets casting the votes. Many Bernie Sanders’ supporters feel that this already happened.

Image Credit: Fox

10.Industrial revolution.

Due to cut of costs, company and industry owners will substitute human workers with robots. This is not only logic, but also true to Charlie Bucket’s dad. This is from the “Theme, Robot” episode.

Image Credit: Fox


9.Aliens exist.

According to The Simpsons in the episode “Much Apu About Nothing, ” there will be a referendum on whether or not to deport illegal immigrants. Sounds familiar and possible after Trump’s campaign, doesn’t it?

Image Credit: Fox

8.White supremacy.

According to the show and the episode “Lisa vs Malibu Stacy”, white men will brag about their condition and will be douches about it. Honestly, this has already happened and will continue to do so. There’s not a  big revelation in that one, especially in Homer’s comment.

Image Credit: Fox


7.It’s funny cuz it’s fat.

In the episode “Homer the Whopper” it’s revealed that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie will get atomically fat after going through a complicated divorce. These show gives me the creeps, they’re already going through the divorce stage.

Image Credit: Fox

6.Brexit, coming soon to your closest theater.

Since everything is possible nowadays there is probably going to be a Brexit musical. Why not right? According to The Simpsons in “Love is a Many-Splintered Thing”, the former British Prime Minister will be interpreted by Benedict Cumberbatch.

Image Credit: Fox

5.Does somebody want more moonshine?

According to the “Homer vs The Eighteenth Amendment”, there will be a new prohibition in the U.S but it will fail again. We don’t know if it will be alcohol the prohibited thing but how the world is going it might be a new thing.

Image Credit: Fox

4.Flying man.

In The Simpsons they feature a flying Stephen Hawkin, having a jetpack-chair. And it is totally possible, but we think instead of Hawkins it will be Elon Musk. It seems more logical. This happened in the “They Saved Lisa’s Brain” episode.


3.Serious politics.

We all know that politicians are not the most reliable beings on earth. For what we know they’re more entertainers than another thing. This being said Krusty thought he had enough credential to run for the power and win it. As he was empowered by seeing so many “clowns” in positions of power. Again this is something that has and will be happening forever, this time in “Mister Spritz goes to Washington”



2.Under the Dome.

Even though it looks more like a Ray Bradbury or Stephen King thing. The movie of the iconic TV showED us a millionaire, corrupt and greedy company that causes an environmental catastrophe. That results in the creation a dome to contain the contaminated area.

Image Credit: Fox

1.First Female President.

Well in the now notorious episode of the 2000’s where The Simpsons predicted Trump’s presidency, Lisa is the next in line for the charge. And that means that it will be the first female president. Something positive at least, and if it appeared in The Simpsons it might be true.

Image Credit: Fox



Luis Farage: