Categories: WOW

10 Things That Made 2016 A Better Year, #5 Is Too Much!

These Are The Sort Of Things That Make My Day.

2016  has been hard for most of us, a lot of things happened. At the end of the year many of us feel disappointed, although it’s another chance to make things good, we are not looking forward to 2017, we need something to remind us the good things in life.

If you are not in the holiday’s mood yet, take a look at these pictures that will cheer you up and will show you this wasn’t such a bad year after all.


10. People are opening their minds.

It’s all bout confidence and having fun.

Via: BuzzFeed.com


9. Having siblings isn’t so bad.

After all, they are the ones that got your back.

Via: BuzzFeed.com

8. Supporters.

There are plenty of people out there willing to help you.

Via: BuzzFeed.com

7. There is more acceptance.

Although we’ve been through hard times, not everyone’s mean, there are some who open their arms.

Via: BuzzFeed.com


6. This guy made his grandfather proud.

I know this may sound corny but it’s little things that matter.

Via: BuzzFeed.com

5. There is kindness everywhere.

This kid is inspiring and will chance a couple of lives.

Via: BuzzFeed.com


4. This grandfather who spreads the love.

The effort he makes will remain in the heart of people around him.

Via: BuzzFeed.com

3. You are not alone.

Every minute there is an opportunity to make friends.

Via: BuzzFeed.com

2. This girl never gave up.

If you are faithful good things will happen.

Via: BuzzFeed.com

1. These people were super nice.

Not many teacher or people understand and support students, 2016 gave us these two.

Via: BuzzFeed.com

These people keep their hopes on 2016.

Remember having good vibes in the next two weeks

We hope you have a great day!


Maria Gabriela Mendez: