Categories: Funny

Youngs Live With Parents More For First Time in Modern Era

All Around The World Young People Is Not Accomplishing A Roof Over Their Heads

There’s a new study that suggests people from 18 to 34 years are more likely to live with their parents now than before. According to the Pew Research Center, 32.1 percent of Americans in that age bracket (yes, all millennials) lived with their parents in 2014. And a surprisingly 31.6 percent lived with a spouse or cohabiting.

Let’s take a look at why. Well, marriage is a big part, in 1960 almost 60 percent of Americans aged 18 to 19 were already married, while today is only 20%, and to be honest, not many people are looking to get married. Also, jobs have a major paper, as you may know, employed people are most likely to move out of their parents’ house.


1.While most American young men lived with their parents, most American young women lived with a partner, but there’s still an increase.


2. So not being married and not having a bachelor’s degree are the BIG reason why the numbers are up.

Via: archinect.com

3. People are having fewer kids and not getting married that fast, so there’s not a reason why to move so fast out of your parents house.

Via: quickmeme.com

4. Also, nowadays women can work and support themselves so there’s no reason to get married at the age of 20.

Via: quickmeme.com

5. Most people are also paying student loans which makes it hard to buy your own place to be.

Via: quickmeme.com

6. The typical U.S. woman now marries at 27.1 years old, the typical man at 29.2, according to census data.

Via: betchurbooz.tumblr.com

7. That’s up from record lows of 20.1 for women and 22.5 for men in 1956.

Via: quickmeme.com

8. I mean it’s just like if you had roommates right? the only difference is that they are mom and dad.

Via: getofftheinternerd.tumblr.com

9. Young black people were 6 percent more likely than their white counterparts to live at home with their parents.

Via: knowyourmeme.com

10. In 1960 only one-in-five young adults were living with their parents.

Via: gagadaily.com

11. The percentage of young men employed in the workforce has dropped, and wages for the cohort have declined.


12. So to recap, it’s not really our fault that the numbers have gone up.



13. There is a vicious cycle doing this to young people. It involves debts, education, priorities, job opportunities and the lack of them.

Via: knowyourmeme.com

14. Also, ethnicity plays a significant role.

Via: Imgur.com/

15. So if you feel bad about returning home with your parents

Via: memecenter.com

16. Don’t be, remember most of us are there too.

Via: CBS

17. And we can ALL relate to the struggles.

Via: memecreator.com

18. And even though we love them very very much.

Via: salon.com

19. Sometimes they can be just a little bit annoying.

Via: narwhaler.com
Maria Laura Garcia: