Categories: Funny

Please Enjoy This Delightful Photo Of A Woman Dressed Like Her Dog

Dog Goals People

Pets are without a doubt part of the family. They’re in their own way an essential part, since who would eat all those gross dishes and leftovers? Besides the only thing they really want from us, besides food and a treat from time to time, is love. Of how many people you can say that?

Now that the point of pets being family is clear, let’s go when things get a bit creepy. It’s true they’re family but some people take it to another level. For some, their pets are their babies. Well, the intimate relationship, with some boundaries it’s ok. But this lady has trespassed the line of loving and weird, turning it into… well something strange you will see.

In his own image.

Yeap this lady became her dog. Very God-like to turn her mankind in his dog own image. And we don’t really know if it’s cute or simply weird as hell.


Crazy year, crazy things.

This happened on Halloween, and as far things have been on 2016 this seems to fit perfectly. When this lady decided to dress like her dog Teddy. So when they say love makes you do crazy things is for sure.


Crafty mom.

But something is for sure, we can’t take credit out of her dedication. The costume is amazing. It has a creepy/cartoony look. Even it makes us think that this “dog-lady” is a bit out of her mind.


The photo went viral when her daughter Zoe post it on twitter.

It was posted on November 1st, with the denial that anyone would expect if their mom did that kind of things. Thanks to a recent BuzzFeed listicle and some Instagram accounts, her tweet got up to more of 4,300 retweets and 7,700 likes.


Zoe explained that the costume was a thing of convenience to her mother.

“In past years whenever trick-or-treaters came to the door, my dog would bark at them, so she would have to hold him while passing out candy. This year she found the perfect solution for that.”



Luis Farage: