Categories: Tech

A Wireless Speaker With The Shape Of A Stormy Cloud [VIDEO]

A Fluffy Cloud That Plays Your Favorite Jam

Imagine having a few friends over and suddenly pulling out a stormy cloud to play some chill music. It might sound insane, but this invention was actually made possible thanks to Richard Clarkson’s design studio.

You can now chill and listen to your favorite playlist as it comes out of a fluffy, stormy cloud.This new invention is called Making Weather and to make it cooler, Clarkson’s Studio gave the cloud the ability to float as it plays your favorite tunes.

The cloud is made out of polyester a material that hides the Bluetooth speaker, LED lights, and magnet that form the design. The secret to the invention is in the magnet, which allows the cloud to float based on the principle of polarity since there are two magnets, one in the speaker and another in the table.

Right now the design is a prototype, but we hope it will be available to use it real soon. I’d have one of these in my living room for sure.

Anais Gutierrez: