Categories: Editorial

Why Can’t I Lose Weight? 5 Most Common Mistakes Made

Have you been working hard to lose weight just to get disappointed as the pointer of the weighing scale does not shift? Well, working hard to lose weight is not equivalent to losing weight in reality. You have to get a lot of things right for this to go in the right direction. Here are the most common weight loss mistakes people make, and if you are not losing weight, maybe you are making some too.

1. You Believe in False Advertising:

Dieting is really tough. Not just in terms of what you eat but also in preparing diet meals. This is why people tend to buy ready-made diet snacks, which are really convenient. But do you realize this is just false advertising? These diet food variants use terms like fat-free or low calorie, and we trust them. If you study the ingredients in detail, you will know it does more harm than good. Instead of eating diet snacks, it is better to snack on banana chips made in coconut oil, which is still healthier.

2. You are Counting Calories:

Counting calories of your every meal so that you can keep track of calories spent and calorie intake is useless. These numbers do not really tell you if you will lose or gain weight. In fact, such diets only encourage unhealthy eating. For starters, you may indulge more and then work out more to compensate, which is not appropriate. Then again, you may only try to eat low-calorie food without considering the nutrition in each meal which is not right for your health.

3. You are Starving Yourself:

Most of us believe that less food is equivalent to weight loss. Well, if you do not feed your body timely, it goes to starvation mode. This means any meals you feed your body will be stored to fat for future usage as the body will program itself to survive when there is no food, and you will gain weight instead. Listen to your body and feed it when you feel hungry. This will make you ignore your hunger pangs, as you will think that your body is burning extra fat for energy.

4. You Believe in Exercising Your Way Thin:

If you think working out three hours in a gym will help you lose weight faster, you are mistaken. Over workout is not great for your body. It will only result in increased appetite and fatigue. Remember, weight loss depends 70% on diet and 30% on the workout. Both gym and diet go hand in hand and help you lose weight.

5. You Skip Exercise:

Now several people do the opposite. They eat really less and do not work out to avoid hunger pangs. So, you do lose weight, but your skin starts sagging, and your body, though slim, goes out of shape. This is why you should join a GymNation On Demand to make sure you are not just losing weight but sculpting your body.

The Bottom Line:

Weight loss is not just a phase that ends as you reach your target weight goal. It is a way of living that you have to maintain forever. Losing weight by unconventional methods will give short terms results, choose a healthy way of losing weight and make it your lifestyle choice.

Pablo Luna: