Photoshop, the ultimate tool to make anything you want real, like making cats fly, an old lady wrinkle free or even get that sexy fit body you’ve always wanted but are probably too lazy to get. In today’s modern society pretty much EVERYTHING goes through the photoshop filter, but not every time works out, sometimes it’s a major fail, mostly thanks to the photoshop trolls, to be honest. If you mess with the internet, the internet will mess back. So remember next time you want to ask for help, think of this laughable 15 shots
1. If you don’t give instructions, you can’t expect a good result.
2. Duckface attack
3. What a stud, stud troll at your service.
4. Told you, if you don’t give directions you’re simply asking for trouble.
5. Seriously I’d just shave them off.
6. Stretching like a BOSS.
7. I’m sorry but this is just too funny.
8. Watch out for Miss Legs down here.
9. This is freaking awesome.
10. Fly her to the moon.
11. Wow, this was taken too far, you could just crop it you know?
12. Make India great again! well… kind of.
13. This is how adulting feels like.
14. Just let it go, man.
15. Feeling the Bern baby.