Categories: Funny

These Are The Top 5 Funny Tweets Of 2018 So Far

Guaranteed To Make You Laugh

New year, new life and this applies to the funny moments, a lot of them flooding the networks making our day. This list will be based on the best memes we could get. If you know 4 of these 5 top moments, you can consider yourself as an #InternerLord.

How can we only have 5 favorite funny moments? Well, we have more but these are the best since they made millions of people laugh through Twitter. Loving the memes in any presentation.

1- Mariah Carey asking for hot tea in NYE

The best way to start the new year is with hot tea and how to deny it to the supreme diva Mariah Carey? In the middle of her presentation in NYE, she stopped to ask for some hot tea for the cold, although it looks weird we let her go through it alone.

2- Relatable girl furiously writing

When your BFF is crying about the fuckboy she likes … are you kidding me bro ?? We saw this tweet until we were tired, this was one of the best moments of this 2018.

3- Ann Widdecombe hair straighteners fail

This video is one of my favorites. Feeling identified in so many ways, one of them: when you think you’re doing everything right but …


This video went viral on Twitter and for a good reason, it was shared by fans countless times. It definitely applies dramatic situations.


Netflix twitter account is famous for having the best tweets which we all identified with. This Friends tweet was one of the most viral tweets for this 2018.


Nicole Zabaleta: