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Top Foundations That Will Make Any Skin With Acne Look Clear And Flawless

The skin is the most visible organ of the human body. It is also considered one of the most sensitive organs as it can easily get affected by physical and environmental factors. One of the most common skin conditions that affect millions of people during their adolescent years is acne. You can develop this condition that causes intense breakouts as a result of genetic factors along with some environmental issues. Nowadays, acne can be successfully treated. However, it can take people a while to get rid of the scars it leaves behind. For many patients, those scars can affect their self-esteem and make them less confident than they should be. This is why many of them choose to cover up those scars with makeup and foundation. The problem is, in many cases, makeup can aggravate the skin, especially if it is already prone to acne, and cause more issues. This is why you should be careful with the type of products you use. Here are some of the best foundations you can invest in to make your skin look flawless and stay healthy.

Oil-Free Liquid Foundation

One of the main triggers for a lot of dermatological problems is oil. Whether you have oily or combination skin, you need to avoid oil-based products at all costs. This is why an oil-free liquid foundation might just be the perfect option for you. This product is made by the majority of brands and caters to the needs of people who are susceptible to acne. Liquid products in this case are usually better as they tend to be water-based for extra moisture and fewer chemical risks.

Non-Comedogenic Correctors

Acne is often caused by genetic factors that make the skin extra sensitive to hormonal changes and environmental factors. Anyone with acne-prone skin should try to avoid using products that may clog their pores and instead look for lightweight products that just stick to the surface of the skin. This is where non-comedogenic correction foundations can come in handy. These products merely cover the top part of the skin to hide any blemishes or scars without clogging your pores. In the long run, a non-comedogenic foundation can protect your derma membrane against various environmental changes that can lead to breakouts.

Breathable Coverage

Your whole body needs air and water to stay alive and healthy. This includes your skin as it needs to breathe clean air and absorb sufficient moisture without being clogged by any chemicals. Nowadays, you can easily find breathable coverage foundations that give your derma surface a chance to let oxygen in without any issues. You do not have to worry about not getting enough coverage for your blemishes as brands are constantly developing products that cater to everyone’s needs. All you will need to do is look at the label to ensure the full coverage choice you are making is also breathable and you should be good to go.

Organic Sticks

When it comes to keeping your skin clear and flawless, the best products to use are usually natural ones. Investing in an organically made foundation that only uses natural ingredients can save you from acne and all the consequences that come with it. You can now find organic foundation sticks in the majority of makeup stores and in a variety of different shades. Brands are always competing over who is using more organic ingredients and dermatologically safe elements that are entirely natural. You may need to do some research and look around until you find the right kind of product and brand for your particular complexion but the results should be rewarding.

Hydrating Gel Creams

People who have acne-prone skin tend to avoid any hydrating products and moisturizing creams as they believe their skin is simply too hydrated and that is the cause of breakouts. However, this cannot be further from true as the skin needs hydration and moisture to prevent breakouts in the first place. You can treat your skin and hide any blemishes all at the same time using hydrating gel cream foundations. The gel element is usually the one that does the hydrating and soothing trick and gives you a nice glow. The tint in the cream itself is what should give you the coverage you need so you should choose based on your unique complexion. Some brands even offer custom-made options for people to make their own tint so that they get the exact amount of moisture and hydration without compromising the color and coverage they need.

Suffering from acne at any point in life can be quite challenging. The scars and blemishes this skin condition leaves behind can affect anyone’s self-esteem and make them feel insecure. If you are suffering from this issue, remember that you can use makeup to cover up your scars without actually harming your skin. Choosing a natural foundation with no oils or chemicals can be just the thing you need to look and feel good again.

Pablo Luna: