Categories: WOW

This Autistic 10-year Old Singing Hallelujah Will Make You Cry [VIDEO]

This Would Make Leonard Cohen So Proud

Kaylee Rodgers performed “Hallelujah” and people around the world were amazed by her voice. The 10-year-old has autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) but that didn’t stop her from singing in her school choir.

The northern Ireland girl has built up her confidence since she started singing at her school, but the Christmas show performance shows all the improvement Kaylee has achieved, no wonder the video went viral.


People around the world are loving her voice.

Not only she sings amazing, but the surprising aspect of this is that people who suffer from autism aren’t good at communicating with other, but here she is singing with Killard’s House School Choire.

The video went viral right away.

It was posted on Monday and already has more than 170,000 views.

Via: YouTube.com

Leonard Cohen would have been proud.

Many people have said that the author of the song would have been proud. The beloved musician passed away in November and his song instantly became an anthem.

Via: YouTube.com

Kaylee could overcome her special needs.

Autism is defined as a “developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with and relates to other people”. And the ADHD as a group of behavioral symptoms including “inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness”.

Via: YouTube.com

Rodgers is in the choir since she was 7.

Her teacher told UTV that her improvement is outstanding “For a child who came in P4 and wouldn’t really talk, wouldn’t really read out in class, to stand and perform in front of an audience is amazing. It takes a lot of effort on Kaylee’s part”

Via: YouTube.com

People adore Kaylee.

They can’t believe this girl has special needs and how wonderful her voice sounds.

Maria Gabriela Mendez: