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Survival Tips For Camping In The Wilderness

The beauty of adventure traveling is the fact that you can always camp in the wilderness. As a matter of fact, there are people who basically go out for adventure because they will get to camp out in the wilderness. However, camping involves having a lot of risks which makes it more of survival. Therefore, here are survival tips for camping in the wilderness.

1. Plan Ahead

Before heading out for the adventure in the wilderness, it is always important to plan ahead. You should get a rough idea of the place you are headed. You should check the weather forecast several times during planning before you live. In case there will be heavy rainfall, carry along the right equipment to deal with the forecasted weather.

Furthermore, there are different laws that govern camping in different jurisdictions. As a result, it is always important to check with the local authorities on the rules and laws governing camping. Once everything is sorted out you are ready to head out. Let the fun and survival begin!

2. Pack survival kit

A survival kit is a basic requirement in any adventure or expedition. It is a great idea to come up with the right tools for your survival kit. Your survival kit should always include a first aid kit which will come in handy in case someone develops an injury or during an emergency such as fainting. There are several commercial survival kits with all the basic tools and equipment to use during the camping period.

3. Pitch your tent

Once you get to the wilderness, tip number one is to determine the location where you will set your camping site. It is always recommended that you get a place that is high enough to avoid flooding. It will also give you the advantage of safety and impending danger can be seen from a distance.

Survival includes pitching up your tent the right way. You will definitely have several tents on your camping site. You should pitch our tent early enough so as to avoid hurried pitching. Ensure that the tents are pitched correctly following the guidelines provided. You should zip your tent before sleeping to keep away animals.

4. Manage water and food supplies

Water is an essential survival item. As a result, you should plan on the best place to get clean drinking water or carry your own. This is especially if you are out on a hike and you will be returning to the camping site at the end of the day. You should also pack foodstuffs and store them well. In case you are foraging food from the wild, ensure that the food is cleaned or well-cooked before eating. Food and water will ensure that you survive during the camping trip.

5. Stay warm and dry

While camping out, it is advisable to stay warm and dry as a survival tip. In case you are out swimming and walking through wet regions, it is important that once you get to the camping site you get to warm and dry. You should also keep your items dry in case of rains.

Fire making skills are also important as they will help you stay warm. You will also be able to cook your food.

6. Keep away wild animals

In the wilderness, there are many wild animals. Some of these animals are dangerous and could harm you. As a result, it is important to keep them off. You should light up bonfires to scare away the animals. However, be careful that the fire does not spread to other places.

You can also carry some weapons that will help you drive away animals and help you in case of an attack. For instance, you can get a bear spray if you are camping in an area with a lot of bears. You should also set night guards in shifts to look out for any dangers and chase away any approaching animals.

7. Maintain High Levels of sanitation

Cleanliness is next to godliness and there is no reason for you to forget this just because you are in the wilderness. Clean environments ensure that you are free from pathogens and the risk of contracting diseases. Always ensure to clean your camping site and arrange your items appropriately.

You should always be a team and ensure to keep high morale within the team. This will make your survival better when you are psyched up and working as a team.


Camping out in the wilderness is fun and adventurous. As a result, you should always have the best survival tips so as to enjoy the camping trip. This article has provided the best survival trips that you will find useful in your next trip. I think it is time to head out to the wilderness!

Pablo Luna: