Some Rick And Morty Facts To Get You Ready For This Summer’s Season 3

Finally The Wait Is Over, Or Is It?

Rick and Morty have quickly become one of the most popular and incorrect cartoons in the world. Due to its perfect blend of existentialism, toilet humor, and sci-fi. All of this along, an incredible subtext drama that still has to be explained. But the wait for Season 3 has become longer than anything. Not because Adult Swim keeps trolling us with prank sketches, but also because we got their April Fool’s treat episode 01 of the 3rd season.

Obviously, the episode was a total success. Since we have been waiting for new Rick and Morty stuff since 2015 and the humor of the show. Even kind of reviving McDonalds 1998 Mulan Szechuan sauce.

Image Credit: konbini.com

Here we are, still waiting

As the first episode of Rick and Morty Season 3 was released the internet exploded. Since many fans even believed it was a joke, due to the careless and sarcastic way of being of its creators. Gladly it wasn’t, as the episode is incredible and show us how Rick uses his clever mind to escape the intergalactic prison while destroying everything in his path, as usual.

The long-awaited episode was broadcasted on Adult Swim’s website. Something that tragically was only available to stream in certain countries. But thanks to the internet, and the success of the show you can watch it on YouTube. Even though to see the Smith-Sanchez family back is really awesome, it seems like we will have to wait a lot to see them again. Since no further episodes seem to be ready to air.

Even though it’s all speculation we hope they release the complete third season or at least a second episode during Summer. As they did with Season 2 back in 2015 and announced during the commercial break. The only thing we know is that there will be a pickle raising. As they said on their official twitter account, along with a “thanks for watching” their newest episode.

Darker, better, stronger and grosser than ever

We don’t know what awaits for us on Season 3. But the tweet seems to suggest that there’s gonna be a sex reference, or maybe Squanchy will appear on the episode “Rickmancing the Stone.” Maybe another sex reference? But of the few things that are certain is that will have more episodes than the previous seasons, with 14, and supposedly will have Vin Diesel as a voice guest.

Despite that, co-creator Dan Harmon has previously explained why the delay of Rick And Morty’s Season 3. Saying how they were “struggling not to overthink or underthink [it].” But gladly for all the fans, the complete season has already been written, as the creatives are simply waiting for the animation team to finish their work.

Along with that of the things we can expect of Rick and Morty’s new seasons is that some of the back-story of Rick to be revealed. As one of the show’s writers has stated that they’ve planned a darker twist to it. “There won’t be a joke or punchline in it. Not even one liners. It’ll be a more story driven with a lot more drama. It’s going to have a very different tone than the other episodes.” He said.

Image Credit: adweek.com

Source: metro.co.uk

Luis Farage: