Categories: Celebrity

Reese Witherspoon Is Interested In A Legally Blonde Sequel

“I think it would be kind of cool to see her 15 years later”

On Wednesday, the American actress and producer Reese Witherspoon appeared on The Late Late Show. Corden told Reese that Luke Wilson had recently been there too and that he had expressed he would like to be in another Legally Blonde movie.

The actress claimed that she would be interested too. They talked about how Elle Woods life could have changed over these 15 years.

The expression after the news was revealed.

While Reese waited with a look of what you’re up to, in her eyes, the show host said, “Luke Wilson would be up and interested in another Legally Blond movie.” And then James asked her, “this would be something that you’d interested in?.”

Credits: Via Youtube

She took a minute to think about it.

Reese wanted to keep up with the expression thing so she took a minute to think about the proposal. Finally, Whitespoon answered “Yeah, I would,” leaving us with some shocked and surprised face expressions.

Credits: Via Youtube

Maybe she is…

“I think it would be kind of cool to see her 15 years later,” the star expressed. But have the intention is not the only thing needed, “I need a good idea,” she said so they discussed over Elle’s actual life.  They thought that maybe she could be the first female president of The United States, be a supreme court justice, be a great powerful attorney or even has ended up in prison.

Credits: Via Youtube

Nothing closes a deal better than a high five.

“Why isn’t this film happening?” James wondered, “what do we have to do to get this film over the line?” the host asked. The actress said that maybe they should do it on the crosswalk and they agreed to do it by closing the deal with a high five.

Credits: Via Youtube

Source: E Online

Anais Gutierrez: